
That's a really good point. There was no way to invest in Trevor, knowing all through that Mickey's reemergence was looming.

I also loved his "Aaw, Fuck!" moment when he had to make the split second decision to follow his family through the opened storage center gate. He did a great job with that. Also, in that same scene…
"You're sending Liam!?"
"Oh, he went get hard time if something goes down!"
Classic Frank moment.

Agreed. Beautifully acted all around. I also liked the scene after their "wedding" when Frank literally begged Fiona: "Please just take the stick out of your ass this one time?" And instead of turning the music off she turned it up.

One thing I was wondering: why Frank didn't tell them that Monica knew she was going to die, i.e. the brain scan and imminent aneurysm? May not be all that relevant, but it would explain why she wanted to get back to the meth and thus "leave them something". Your comment above is a powerful and insightful analysis on

Good question. The "thruple" storyline and Svetlana's apparent long-con on Kev and Vee was an integral part of the season. And seeing as they clearly (and I heard Mr Macy say himself in 2 different interviews) filmed a season finale that could be an adequate series end "just in case", I hate that they did no follow up

Yea but who's giving up their share lol? They should have done that with Fiona's share.

Yes, considering The Alibi is one of the center sets of the show, bizarre they just dangled it and even more so after putting "Kev and Vee get revenge" in the ep summary.

"Nicheal", as in N. Bluth, I presume? Awesome.

That was heartbreaking when she got right up to his face and said "She never loved you" to Frank.

Favorite moment: Kev tasting, numbing his gums, and then quietly palming and pocketing the (what I assume to be) blow. Especially as it related to the last time the gang serendipitously found themselves with some coke (Liam got into it, EMT's on scene, hospital, Fiona's arrest etc). You could almost see Kev's gears

Agree on all. Plus so much of the season was Deb struggling to adjust to being a single teen mom etc etc and the last few episodes totally ignored that. Franny went to the background, almost a non-entity. Deb worked 2 days in the laundromat and suddenly all is well. The more I contemplate Myles' review points "re:

Literally burst out laughing @ "Chekhov's meth". Perfect. I'll be waiting for the digging up scene in season 8.

Yes, the comments are much more thoughtfully written than the reviews. I think we can all respect that reviewing a show and getting a write-up posted quickly may cause you to overlook a typo or two occasionally. But this mess just screams carelessness or a complete lack of adequate writing skills. Too beautiful and

Yes!!! It has driven me crazy to the point I can barely read the reviews. Horribly, horribly written. Not having an editor is no excuse for sloppy, careless mistakes.

What was the impetus? If it was an addictions group that skating scene with Frank would be pretty powerful

Interesting!!!! Care to share an example! (I'm a Clinical SW) whose had my share of therapy as well ;)

I agree. In a perfectly "Shameless" way, Fiona did right by Etta. Certainly more than any blood family did (assuming there are any). Remember Etta wouldn't even have the 80 grand if Fiona didn't deposit the (torn and retaped lol) check.

I'm really late to this, just finished watching the doc on ESPN on demand and wanted to see AV review. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for posting the VV article. Interesting…

I would love if they showed that for Etta. Her whole life revolved around the laundromat and those cats. It would be so much easier for her if she could keep them. June Squibb rules!!! If anyone happened to see the HBO series "Getting On", she kicked ass in that show.

True. I do love seeing her looking out (hard) for Lip