The original original first 2 Space Quests (the AGI rather than the later SCI versions) didn't have mouse support, as most PCs at the time didn't have mice.
The original original first 2 Space Quests (the AGI rather than the later SCI versions) didn't have mouse support, as most PCs at the time didn't have mice.
Let's play Encarta apocrypha!
Yeah I was going to mention this too. The real purpose of the "Where in ___ is Carmen Sandiego?" series was to teach kids how to use almanacs. The whole point was to get used to looking things up.
Seriously. The actual songs sound like something out of the last 9 minutes of a mid-90's movie soundtrack. Maybe if the Tank Girl soundtrack had released an unnecessary addendum?
What, you mean there are people out there who don't have all TMBG's lyrics memorized and can recite them at any moment?
Does. Never seen it before, and thank you.
Oh good lord, I want to yell at you so bad. Calmame. Instead, I would ask, if I were a person instead of a floating ball of non-confrontational energy, Do you know what "Clue" is?
In case nobody has said it, I'd like to start a petition that hopefully makes it to Michael McKean: