
I burst out laughing because I could see him doing this in Chicago, too while in his SNL Dunkin outfit.

Thankfully in his case (and Tom Payne from TWD) it's supposedly just for a role? It doesn't excuse any non-actors walking around with them, that's for sure.

Casey just has a boyish charm about him is all, Mr. Schlomo! (Again, the assault allegations took a lot of that away.)

Bryan Cranston. Wish he was my dad meter: 8/10. Also in this category because "boinking" feels wrong: Bob Odenkirk, Steve Carell, Hugh Laurie.

Yeah, not a fan of the beard or man-bun either.

I just shuddered harder than I ever have in my life.

Casey Affleck: 7/10. Would boink if I didn't believe the sexual harassment allegations.

I forgive you. Apologies for my outburst.

Never change, Steve. Never change.

Got a cup of Sailor Jerry's and a bottle of ice water. Just need to do some stretches and I'm set.

Read the review after I saw it. Didn't bother with the comments. Don't know if my fragile lil heart can take it.

…I see what you did there


It's 8:19 — I'm going to have to really speed it up to get to five or more boinks.

Blasphemy! For me it's never just been looks, especially with him — a lot of it is his personality, humor, and musical talent. He seems so damn down-to-earth and is equally good at drama as comedy, plus Dead Man's Bones LP is fantastic.

You're right, I'm sorry.

Maybe it's just me, but for me, Ryan Gosling is super handsome. 9.9/10. Would boink and marry.

Oh my god, that kid is freakin' adorable

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Bell! This Jolly Rancher just 'bout fell out of my mouth. (Like, an actual, cherry-flavored Jolly Rancher.)

Was that released in time to be nominated?