
To be fair, he's gotten a lot of ink from the AV Club

That is outstanding

Network with other artists and package your script with concept art or video. Especially if the direction and visuals are as important to the product as you suggest.That is, if you're trying to get a third party interested in it. I represent some horror/sci fi screenwriters on a non-profit basis navigating copyright

Yeah, like ripping off Sleepaway Camp

Is that the one where the villain turns out to be a piano playing Darth Maul?

Maybe so, but it had style to burn

To be fair, Kennedy and Lillard were pretty fantastic in their respective Scream roles.

I think the best place to start is the original, 3-4 minute long podcasts. Once you've got the Star Trek gag under your belt you're ready for advanced studies.

"Look, my teaching style may be unconventional, but …" (walks away)

Question: Did HBO also 'cancel' Deadwood and The Wire, or were those allowed to end as their show runners intended them?

On Cinema is a load of BS, I was promised by Gregg that he had insider knowledge that the Hobbit 3 was going to win Best Picture this year as a write in candidate.


I predict this film will gross 4.6 million dollars on its opening weekend

Time to turn on the old Wiggum charm

Michael Douglas in, well, take your pick, Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, or Disclosure.

That was pretty cool though

I watched the clip, that game was fixed.

I would have loved to see Mo'Nique's take on Cookie, which undoubtably would have been a much less likable or sympathetic version. She was genuinely terrifying in Precious.

When was it ever Mormon doctrine that black people don't have souls. A friend told me this is a myth.
