Also terrible hair cuts and horrible cases of blank face.
Also terrible hair cuts and horrible cases of blank face.
Yeah, but I'll take privlleged and self-satisfied over way past generations, ehose nain past time was canning others with whichever switch happened to be handy.
… … … "I haven't had sex in a very long time."
We watched Below her Mouth. It was so bad that it was good. The acting was atrocious and the dialogue banal. It only made sense when they were having (occasionally anatomically dubious) sex.
Within 2 years of Bush leaving power the Republicans were back in a big way. I expect nothing different this time, even if we're lucky.
I usually emphasize how, isn't it crazy when you think about it, 90% of Haiti lives in extreme, sould crushing poverty - so I'm sorry this house only has b grade kitchen counters.
Speaking as Realtor, I try to stay away from marketing homes as your potential tomb.
The thing about that movie was that at least two of the moms wete clearly very good mothers. It should have been called, "Mildly bad ladies who are still good mothers". Catchy.
American Hustle had like 5 brilliant performances. I feel like that movie doesn't get enough respect.
I once knocked back a couple boiler makers and 5 or so car bombs in quick succession than ordered a big stack of pancakes at a nearby I Hop. After enduring the massive wretching sounds I must have been making in the bathroom, those employees were saints.
"Ms. Jolie, what happens if this doesn't win awards?"
"It would be very painful."
"But you're such a big actress-"
"For you!"
Switching over to Hulu?
Hasn't that premiae only been done once recently? But I'm frankly excited by the prospect of this show because I've always been fascinated by the civil war.
I had this pretty throughly thought out idea for a near future dystopian American Drama (on FX). I had the characters, setting, basic outline for two seasons, etc. Then Obama got elected and I forgot about it.
Facts? Who needs 'em?
I really don't get the outrage over the confederate show. Is the contention really, really, REALLY, REALLLLY!!! That HBO will be showing slavery as this awesome institition? Do you reallllllly think it's going to be pro slavery?
Why ask why?
It's just like the senior Romani cisgendered female said!
Thanks for the incisive political view, guy who wrote about an N word gun.
I think it was a Welcome Back Kotter.