They are both the same ages I thought they were, I guess I'm just thrown off by Gibson playing "too old for this shit" 20 years ago in Lethal Weapon 4 while Gibson is smoking pot with a talking teddy bear.
They are both the same ages I thought they were, I guess I'm just thrown off by Gibson playing "too old for this shit" 20 years ago in Lethal Weapon 4 while Gibson is smoking pot with a talking teddy bear.
I thought that was really bad. Selina has always been terrible but she went past that here to… uninterestingly terrible. There was almost no dialogue, just constant rants that lose their humor through over use. And too many rape jokes. These last two episodes really screwed the Rottweiler.
I'm surprised Gibson is only 15 years older than Wahlberg.
NBC used to have a sports channel (I think it was called Universal something) that aired alot of Olympic sports, in on and off years. It had great coverage of less popular sports. I think it waa cancelled about 4 years ago.
Given Super 8, I think if anyone told JJ that he reminded them of Spirlberg, he would immediately die from the shock of his massive orgasm.
You… you sure have a lot of background knowledge for that joke.
I consider that to actually be more racist than what hr got in trouble for.
I temporarily gave up on season two after it had 2 really bad episodes in a row. That one where she was trapped in the bathroom was dire.
"Now stay cool. It's a hot one out there."
Many of the Bourne fights have the problem of windmill punches, but overall they are very exciting.
And Ossoff might actually win.
You don't get a pension if you only serve one term, I think.
Reportedly, GW was an avid reader who read something like 180 books in his first 2 so years in office. I don't know if I believe it.
I'm going to go against the crowd here and say the De Niro's recent output hasn't been that bad. There are some good performances in there and only a few embarrasments. He's still getting a lot of work. Pacino on the other hand…
Ever since seeing that movie a few months ago, my wife breaks out in a crispen glover impression at least once a week. "Where have you beeeeen?!"
I don't think it's going to be that easy.
No, there is a space at the end of the return to send more money in.
I don't think congress people, of every stripe, actually read the full bills. Those things are freaking long and there are alot of them. There isn't time. That said, fuck every single one of those republicans who voted for it.
In Air Force 2, he's the only former President who can face our new despot leader.
I think the last season of Monk was actually a little better than the 1 or 2 the preceeded it.