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    Uh, Bizarro Sacrelicious is blaming women as a whole for sexist casting because "it takes two to tango" and men totally get turned down for stuff like dating, too!
    Also, "men created it" I take to mean it's a function of patriarchy (women have less money and on the whole make less money, therefore for security some

    I also don't get why all these misogyny and sexism claims came from SJW's for this song

    "Even lesser-known figures from the HUAC years (Ian McLellan Hunter, Arlen Hird)"

    Wwwwwhhhhhyy did I venture into the comments section on this article? Why why why. BRB, setting world on fire as apparently it's the only way we can be cleansed at this point.

    "not theoretical scenarios or strained attempts to reread for Social Justice or whatever. "

    "Christ, you people will witch hunt anything for a slice of that white knight pie"

    But "SJW" isn't actually a group of people, like, say, those who identify as feminists.
    I mean, I've seen some people that support and work for social justice identify themselves facetiously as that, but it's more a derogatory phrase than anything, therefore it can't actually be "fairly criticized" (unlike some social

    Also? People calling themselves feminists have surely done shitty things claiming to be in the name of feminism but that Tumblr you linked to is a reactionary account to the "I Once Had a Man Tell Me" blog, which is a place where women shared their experiences of sexism. It's exactly the type of derailing garbage MRAs

    Not at all. But the horribleness done by people calling themselves "Men's Rights Activists" is easily outdone by the horribleness of people calling themselves feminists.
    Also, if you're so invested in false equivalency you have to subscribe to something like "Men's Rights Activism" (which, and I've read a considerable

    Yeah, that I'll co-sign.

    MRAs really deserve more than two minutes hate.

    Just wait 'til your pals on 4chan hear how you totes logic'd that feminazi!

    Eh, you know what an MRA is once flocks of them come at you with death and sexual assault threats and/or dox you. Then they're pretty hard to forget, unfortunately.
    While their opinions and tactics would say otherwise, sadly MRAs are indeed "a thing".

    I admit, I was kinda scared to look through the comment section, even though it's the AV Club, because I just knew there had to be 4chan trolls lurking, rising to defend white men, especially bigoted white men.

    I see this a lot, that people seem to get so furious at the thought of being told they're using the wrong pronouns for someone because OMG HOW DARE THEY, THE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES(tm)!!!!
    But yet any trans and non-binary folk I know could not be more patient and polite (not that they have to be) when explaining their

    Some women work hard at their jobs without expecting to be treated fairly and/or equally, that's true.

    "It's not about race, it's about class!" —white proverb

    I've honestly contributed more time to this thread than I had really wanted to do, so I'll likewise try to make this quick.

    "Europe may not have been 100% white, but it was a lot whiter than people (mostly Americans, it seems) who complain about "white-washing" seem to think."