Dorian Gray

That shows a striking ignorance of the history of the U.S.S.R., where tag hashes you.

I watched it as someone who usually wouldn't. It's all right. It's light-hearted. Calista Flockhart is an inspired choice for the Lane-Smith-from-Lois & Clark role. I don't know if I'd ever seek it out, but I didn't mind it.

It's Cheaper Than Hiring Someone Else Girl

Kinda sucks it happened that way. Reign of the Supermen entertained me enough as a kid when I flipped through the issues at my friend's house. The guy I liked the most turned out to be The Eradicator in disguise (I was reading a lot of 1990s Marvel & Image) but Steel was the one among the bunch who was instantly

This was the episode whose preview made me stop watching The Simpsons weekly. It's not a bad episode, but the premise made me groan. I didn't see that Powersauce episode until years and years later.

As far as bulletproof coffee goes, I just have a coffee with a ton of cream and sugar for breakfast and it does fill me up until lunch. But that would be, you know, normal.

That's a pretty dumb article.

Damn, that is one fucked-up still at the top of the story there.

No offense to Toho, but their bad-Godzilla-movie-to-good-Godzilla-movie ratio is pretty terrible. I know, I've watched a lot of them.

It's always sad to see that jawline in a bad movie.

It follows the twists and turns of a very real relationship, exploring all the intricacies of .

I think it's weird that Claremont, who is not really known as a liar as much as he is considered inappropriately honest, is determined to be speaking "nonsense" when he talks about a policy that could have changed at any point afterward, which would mean Claremont was both making sense and telling the truth. It seems

You seem to have acquired a personal emotional attachment to a comic book superhero. I warn you, this will end in tragedy.

as Marvel pushes the Inhumans into the X-Men’s former role, a strategy that many have speculated

I'd say if you're still watching then you have only yourself to blame for being trapped. Kirkman's stories have never, ever been written with endings in mind.

I always thought this was a good children's show, but a children's show nevertheless, and found it a little embarrassing that it blew up among dippy liberal adults.

It was a great kids' show, I'll give it that. It was weird to watch frumpy adults flock to it a la Harry Potter.

That's great, because I think Idiocracy is a stupid movie and also am pretty sure this TV show is for non-scientists who like to pretend they know about science.

I always feel kind of bad for adding to the hate for Prince of Darkness, since In the Mouth of Madness is so underrated and by a lot of the same people.

It changes my opinion of video games to know John Carpenter plays them.