Dorian Gray

Don't worry about this comments guy, he's just saving up good will for when he rapes a kid later.

ignore the 'contingent social forces' as they are irrelevant.

"representatives from both panels—SavePoint and Level Up, which sit on opposite sides of the shitshow of journalistic ethics, misogyny, and the politics of powerlessness known as GamerGate—will be involved."



Peter Jackson!

Food fairy tales lost a lot of oomph for fat, satisfied Westerners, who have a hard time imagining kids with Germanic names starving to death on a farm.

I didn't want nor care about a Ralph episode at the time and was getting sick of Ralph-out-of-nowhere as a joke. This is around when the show started to shake for me as a kid.

Funny story, the original version of Lexor proves you wrong - there is such a version of Lex Luthor, provided the people he's protecting prefer him to Superman, and it's the goofy Silver Age of comic books.

It's sad that Disney and Time Warner haven't really tried any.

Superman kept ending up in court back in the 1950s and 1960s. It was wacky! But not as wacky as grown men and women arguing about whether Lex Luthor should have hair or not.

LOL, what? It's okay to watch bad movies.

Ebert did, and his site does.

That might be clever if it weren't such a terrible line.

That's no way to talk about God.

They are? To me, it looks like every story where Lex Luthor mind-controls or otherwise influences Superman into being a bastard for a second before it gets taken back. That's got to date from the late 1950s at the latest.

I really appreciated your comment.

I found "Equilibrium" interesting because of how sincere and insane it seemed in its badness.

Marvel Studios makes the movies he's describing, so in that sense, they are Marvel movies. MGM made The Brothers Grimm, so in that sense, it is not.

I think it's amazing it's somehow controversial to point out that cash-cow superhero movies have limited potential in the breadth of their scope, much less controversial when this particular director says it.