
They didn't necessarily leave out his weakness - next time around, I'd bet that Barry uses water to beat him. It's just that they're in the "learn a new power, use that to win" stage of development for the show.

If you watch the train rescue scene from the Capt. Cold episode and still think it looks cheap, I don't know what to tell you.

To be fair, not *exactly* endless. Just until they have a costume party.

Not after last week's appearance from random redheaded actress whose acting would've been terrible in a junior high play.

Wells did kill someone, remember. He's a villain, even if he's not necessarily Hunter Zolomon.

Both of the people in there thus far (Mist and Girder) are, for all the world knows, dead (and don't need to poop, although we know Girder was alive enough to drink beer). That's the only justification you can present for the moment.

Except Linda's love is presumably a teenaged black kid that we haven't seen yet.

Truckload seems to be a VAST underestimation.

Kind of a weak episode overall, I thought - this should've been a breezy, fun episode, but it got dragged down into a morass.

They're not Metahumans, so they'll get dropped in Iron Heights. But, yes, they'll run a prison break eventually. They have to.

I'm still partial to the 1990 suit, just because the colours were so much better.

Or, more simply, Barry can't fly so if she was taking a night flight he'd have no way of catching her.

Barry being mad is understandable, since this guy who you're playing ping-pong with has been coming up with ways to kill you just in case it turns out you're a secret psychopath.

Do they do ESL classes for Interlac speakers?

That's more characterization than Barbara's ever gotten in the comics, though. She's the one blank slate in the entire Batman mythos.

The cast as a whole still stinks (May and Coulson are fine). But whedonites ignore terrible acting on their shows, I guess.

Alas… he can't help but being the Fastest Man Alive.

Which reminds me: they need to bring Kate Spencer back on one of these shows (she popped up on Arrow once or twice, right?).

Star City's always struck me as being in the Pacific Northwest, but then again GA had to specifically move to Seatle in the 80s when Grell took over. Denver's a good enough answer.

He wears that on the job every day, though (Detective Pretty Boy, remember?)