
If love triangles didn't happen in comics every Spider Man comic of the 70s would've been half as long.

Excuse me for a second, off to RedTube….

It helps that they'd already done three crossover eps the other way.

Basic physics - Barry has to be careful that he doesn't run into guys at 600 MPH and leave a red stain on the pavement where they used to be.

She's more NEEDED there, if only because Arrow would be a fucking slog most weeks without her.

The first three episodes had so much exposition to get through that they couldn't afford to develop the bad guys. Now, they've got more freedom.

A zoomer.

Some sort of Savitar / Cicada "Cult of Speed" thing, even if they've (sob) already killed Chyre.

Most impressive thing?

Yeah, while watching it I was amazed that was being pulled off on a CW budget. How they do this much every week when SHIELD, backed by ABC, seemingly has to run a bottle episode every three weeks is astounding. Shooting in Vancouver can't be THAT much cheaper.

I think that's also the reason that they didn't air the shows back-to-back - allows for some continuity wiggling.

I was thinking more this was Felicity's reaction to Ollie's speech from the pilot, it's just that Canary's death meant she put it off for a bit.

You ship… anything?

… I thought the whole "sleeping with every male member of the team" was Tigra's thing?

Has it ever been confirmed whether Brandon Routh would notice?

Whereas I've always thought Arrow could do with loosening up quite a bit, which is why this has been three home runs (… with a weak single last week…) for me.

I actually thought the sundress she had on in the first few scenes was a better look for her, but THAT IS BY NO MEANS A COMPLAINT ABOUT THAT DRESS.

Catlin was a bit Frosty to her, though.

West Wing wasn't a comedy? Five words to counter that: Secret Plan to Fight Inflation.

“Belcheck. Just one word. Like Madonna.”