
That would be great

Amell wooden acting lmao

Im embarrassed at how much i love Sara lol to me her story has similarities to Faith from Buffy or is it just me?

Stop reading my mind lol.I too loved the dk trilogy but the beauty of tv is you get time to build the characters better etc and with the exception of Laurel its been great

no I'm too busy being distracted at her rail thin legs

I concur

It was a massive difference having Sara in the cave as opposed to Laurel

Without sounding too critical of Cassidy as a person check out the above picture and look at those legs that is what chicken legs look like

I rejoiced when Anatoli said Ollie and Sara belonged together i take it as my personal small victory lol

Laurel is shooting Ollie's bow in the next promo they can't be serious way to undermine Oliver and Sara's years of training writers

This was Laurel in last years finale all over again if somebody like Ollie tells you to stay away stay the f*ck away

Diggle and Felicity scenes are always awesome i like Felicity better with Diggle don't kill me lol

This was easily my favourite Felicity ep she was totally Oracle tonight

I loved everything minus Laurel

That Laurel speech to Ollie was downright awful and no woman you don't know Ollie better than anybody

Agree to disagree Diggle is often let out of the loop with Ollie not so with Sara.I could write an essay on why Sara/Ollie work better than anybody but i won't bother u with it

Couldn't disagree more Sara/Oliver were more open and honest with each other than anyone

Its very true

sdrox14 did u know that Katie Cassidy said the other day at a convention that by the end of the season Laurel/Oliver hook up again i mean wtf?Do the writers want us to hate Laurel and Oliver too they can't be serious

When Tommy died her first instinct wasn't to go around kicking ass so why will her losing Sara be any different?