
Ugh, pull it together Danny, ffs.

I haven't got there yet but that's good, at least they'll acknowledge it! I don't know why he left Kun'Lun yet but I like the idea he's a huge disappointment to them all :D

That's what I hoped the show would be able to get across when it was announced. A warrior monk and all that goes with that in a modern setting like New York. But I'm just not seeing it realised.

One punch to Trump's tiny wiener should do it.

It's true. I mean, wtf. Use the flashbacks to strengthen the character, not undermine him.

I think this show is better than it's being given credit for but the lead character is a huge problem, he's just too passive and emo to be taken seriously as a world champion warrior monk guy. I know that whole spiritual side of his character gives him a calm, at peace aura most of the time. That's fine. But he just

It's true, she has narrative drive and charisma, plus she's conflicted and actually takes action in a decisive way. Everyone else seems to be sleep walking, reacting at most.

Definitely uneven but there's enough strong stuff in there to keep me watching after 4 episodes. Luke Cage was a huge disappointment in the second half of its season, maybe Iron Fist is going to blossom then.

Just catching up with this. Need to find some quiet time when sitting down to watch. Fuck, is it good.

I didn't see it mentioned here before but the second season of Hap and Leonard has begun. Well worth watching if you like swampy crime at an even pace. Plays on Amazon in the UK.

Ooh, this comments under the Newswire articles rather than on the side works for me.

The death of Cottonmouth really was the turning point for Luke Cage. He was a great villain and his charisma was keeping the rest of the cast afloat. Without him it became a plodding bore.

Yeah, I think as much as 6 or 9 months ahead. They definitely have a different feel to the rest of the episodes. I like seeing the pilots upfront but that disconnect can mean getting into the series requires a bit of persistence. The networks often rework or even re-shoot their pilots after they get the green light,

You're probably aware but you can disabled autoplay in the settings, if you have an account, and an ad blocker will remove all ads.

I loved both Patriot and Sneaky Pete and had the same experience with the pilot in both. Well worth sticking with despite their uneven pilots.

It also autoplays the next video. Just wrong.

I've worked in usability and UX since the late 90s. (Yes some people cared about the user experience even then.) This layout encourages more story reading but less engagement. That's obvious so I assume this is a business-led decision.

This format sucks balls. Respectfully, AVClub reader.

His hair! Who cares about his hair?!? Is Jaimie Alexander in the film or not, damn it.