
And that was snark.

This article is satire, right?

I will not consider this.

Follow-up question: Do you remember being in a RUDY RAY MOORE film?

"Her" is incredibly boring and has a cop-out ending.

People still watch this show?


Seeing as that we don't get reviews of these Pixies EP's on this site: They're pretty damn great.

Check out Criterion's "I Married A Witch" on blu ray


A packed audience applauds you, sir!

It also has shades of the Twilight Zone episode "From Agnes— With Love"

Boy, this site really knows how to slam a guy for doing something different.

… said no one to George Lucas.

Before the ending, I was pretty sure that the whole movie was a fantasy from the moment Clooney saved her from floating out into space.

I would certainly pick this over "Hey, isn't that Glenn Close?" in "Hook".

When the the chorus kicks in, and you're got a bass boost going on, it's pretty powerful.

When the the chorus kicks in, and you're got a bass boost going on, it's pretty powerful.

HBO or nothing.

He once thought his name was Goddamnit.