I groaned loudly when Kendra mentioned that she was a barista. So loudly that my husband, who doesn't watch the show, called in from the other room, "She say she's a barista again?" (-_-)
I groaned loudly when Kendra mentioned that she was a barista. So loudly that my husband, who doesn't watch the show, called in from the other room, "She say she's a barista again?" (-_-)
Unfortunately, not the world with nothing but shrimp.
I thought they'd have him dip his hand in the Lazarus Pit. That would have been a smart way to get his hand back without Deus-Ex-Gideon lowering the stakes.
In this case, it's a direct cause and effect :D
Oh god, like Rollo on Vikings. He learned to speak French in less than the span of one episode. It went:
Scene 1 (Day 1): I want to learn French. Get me a teacher!
Scene 2 (Day 2, morning): *Tips desk over* French is hard, I'll never learn!
Scene 3 (Day 2, afternoon): Yes, I have learned your language.
It was fucking…
I just completely loved Curtis and all his reactions. I can guarantee that I would have acted pretty much exactly the same way.
"You want me to be on the team?!"
I need him to cross over to Flash SO bad now… just imagine his reactions to everything over there.
To Do List:
1. Make a Mr. Terrific version of "Number One"
2. Profit.
I loved that everyone complained last episode that Barry should stop doing the "Fastest Man Alive" speech at the beginning of every episode, and then this week, boom, gone.
You get a crossover! And YOU get a crossover! Everyone gets a crossover!
And I haven't even watched this week's Arrow & LoT yet (which I hear is awesome this week too!)!
Cisco's "I can't magically sense where things are" line had me rolling! Between Supergirl and the Flash this week, I'm falling in love with these shows all over again.
Rip Goddamn Hunter could learn a thing or two.
Kara & holo!Alura duet anyone?
I don't care how stupid she felt. Once More With Feeling is a goddamn masterpiece.
The thought never crossed my mind.
Ephedra *was* great.
I give you Exhibit A: The 100. Its first 5 episodes seemed like typical CW teendramadreck, but it turned out to be SO much more by about episode 5. I stuck with it SPECIFICALLY because people told me that the first 5 episodes were shit, but I would be handsomely rewarded if I slogged through them. I'm SO glad I did.
When my husband proposed, instead of saying "yes" I said "I will marry the shit out of you", so no promises, mate.
Dude, I'd be happy with a sock puppet Lorne.
Or we could all just commit right here and now to never ever engage with her again.