Kindergarten Dropout

Sleep well.
Nice talking to you.

Oh look, it's the boring russian guy.
Gaze into the eyes of Garry Kasparov.
Did you have an answer to my question?

No worries. Look out for the next experiment, where I just write:
"Free speech is very important in a democracy"
Nothing more.
It's also gonna be fun.
Eh, now I can't actually do it. Fvck!

Yes I do. That was part of the experiment. Just a number, no opinion, see what conclusions the judgmental assholes arrive at.

I was looking for schemas/automaticity, but your version works as well if it will make you sleep better. LOL.

Nah, wouldn't say it was a prank. It was a fun little experiment(for me). Just post a number without an opinion and see people trying to read my mind. Needless to say they immediately started judging, because it's the internet and that's what's going to happen with assholes on the internet. AVClub is part of the same

It's enough to post a number to rile people up and start judging others here.
Nice little community you got going.
Are you ashamed of yourselves?

This escalated quickly.
You are not a nice person at all, are you?

There has to be an "AND"?

Don't know, I just posted a number on a website. This has been enlightening to say the least.
Next number is 4356.
Have nice day.

No I won't tell you, I'd rather have you try to read my mind. It's fun.

Boring fact?

Fun fact?

He's a drug addict and an alcoholic and it showed in the clip above.

"the vast majority"
So 280-290 million people then?

"most people"
So 280-290 million people then?