
So your saying he would be perfect in the male reboot of The Nanny.

Dr. Sidney Theodore Freedman

- Holy water?
- Yes, I know.

You had me going for a second, there's no way this show has a story bible.

I haven't seen his entire filmography but I am a big fan of From Noon till Three.

Needed Inception "braaam" sounds.

I remember catching this movie late night. Had no idea it had any sort of HD release, neat.

I hope the siblings enjoy their lives and start making good movies again.

How dare you sully the good name of Dr Cosby.

Julius Pepperwood!

It was shot in Australia. Lots of the minor characters are played by Australians.

At-least your fat enough to roll!

There was also the terrible movie FPS: First Person Shooter also in first-person POV and which much like the name suggests is pretty much a film version of a gory 90s DOS shooter. This movie looks much more impressive mind you.

Not many but there are heaps of TV pilots that never made it to series that nobody ever gets to see.


If this is your first night at First Wives Club, you have to go without shoulder pads.

I for one didn't just google "full holes"

What was the reference?

Pedos: The Feet of Fate written/directed/starring Quentin Tarantino