
I look forward to the news of him creating and then deleting many more twitter accounts.

The Sharknado Holiday Special

How about everybody's least liked segments?

She's still Jenny from the Soviet bloc.

Duck Moo, The Killing

With the introduction of the African birth mother Emilia the shows title finally makes sense. Doesn't really amount to much in the great scheme of things but it's still pretty neat.

I didn't like the reveal that Abigail was in on it. In one of the earlier episodes we see her reacting negatively to the discovery of human hair pillows when she was alone, something that she should have been aware of. Certainly there's been hints but they could all be filed away as being hallucinations/nightmares due

Literally flushing money down the toilet would still feel less wasteful than financing this thing.

The 2nd episode is particularly disconcerting considering Family Guy in season 6 had a little "gag" involving Quagmire (voiced by MacFarlane) raping Marge only for her to like it and ends with Quagmire murdering the entire Simpsons family, including Marge when they are discovered post-coitus.

I'd love to know what the dogs bark translates to.

I guess I am in the minority but I would like for the walk-through to be even longer. Some episodes get a fairly in depth 1.5 page coverage and some half a page tops.

I'm going to go ahead and predict that that Spaders villain is your typical typical TV good guy villain that refuses to kill anybody.

It's ratings weren't really that bad slightly bellow New Girl but significantly better than Mindy. They slipped towards the end of the season but i'd blame FOX's f*cked up scheduling more than anything.

This episode was ok to me, a C/C+. I agree 100% with Todd that the season and this episode in particular have been far too self referential. After a re-watch the "dark timeline" stuff was slightly more palatable but not particularly funny and provided no real insights into the characters.

The Australian Rake is so good because its limited run (2 seasons of 8 episodes each with a 3rd on the way) and with a character that is legitimately self destructive degenerate. The American non-cable Rake I imagine will be very much like House M.D. as a lawyer.

I have a feeling that after ALL the terrible terrible BS with Juliette that seems to be (touch wood) finally over that shes going to get killed off in the finale.

I like the ongoing gag with people not (or half) remembering Winston's name.