Daria Morgendorfer

I totally agree. Lip's college storyline had so much potential at the beginning. They dropped the ball with the Amanda storyline. The writers could've done a lot more with Lip being mentored by her father. This is my gripe with this show now though. No one grows even the slightest bit. Lip remains the tortured genius

Totally agree with you about Noel, as well as the Ian and Mickey relationship. Shameless really had something special there. I still love the show even though I feel like it's really turning into a crappy one, but after season 4 this show has been floundering in my opinion. The only good thing about season 5 was

Did Ian and Caleb have sex before Caleb told him he's HIV positive? I was under the impression but I'm not sure if it was only me. They were in bed with seemingly no clothes on and I assumed they had just had sex. If Caleb only told Ian about his HIV AFTER they had sex, then that is messed up. That is not something

Yeah, my initial thought was "oh shit, is Debbie going to get attacked and lose her baby?" For whatever reason I still find myself skeptical that she's going to end up keeping her kid. I just can't see how her character would have much of a storyline after giving birth, unless the writers become even lazier and take

BØRNS' whole album is amazing! I was happy to hear the song too!

This would've been a perfect episode if it was only featuring Shosh in Japan. As a matter of fact, I would happily watch a spin off. She became my favorite a long time ago. "Scott is the type of guy Shosh might wish she had settled down with if she isn’t married by 32" …What century is this reviewer stuck in? I was