
"as though the screenwriters spent about half of the film’s running time paging through some old issues of Scientific American
in search of useful soundbites for the characters to spout. It’s the
cinematic equivalent of putting glasses and a white lab coat on the
village idiot."


Would rather not have people harvest me into a husk

people actually think she'll make a good replacement? no sane person would allow it to happen

thanks, i try not to rip off other people

Um, ya.

A long lost relative who has come home but has change to the point where you recognize them but they are no longer as your remember them and this makes you miss the old them even more.

now now, you've always got *shudder* The Nightly Show *cringe*

so what form of cancer does he have to be retiring at 50 something?

i want to really love the show but it's like exhuming the body a beloved dead best friend and family member and watching somone play with the bones

wow, relax, i wasn't being hostile, 2nd time today people have mistaken me for being abrasive

I know about and plan to watch Cheers I just didn't know it had any connection with Frasier


how pathetic is it that this is the first time I've heard of Frasier being a spin-off, i had no idea, my 90's birth status is showing

good fucking riddance, The Red Band Society was one of the most annoying, terrible shows i've ever seen:
walking TV cliche character everywhere - sassy black woman nurse, overly effeminate gay male nurse (who is the only male nurse on the show), preppy blond teen, black kid who acts like he's in the ghetto, good

this kid is taking being an edgy teen a little too far

i liked jingle all the way once when i was 9, i didn't know better, it was the 90's and i was young

Or maybe, he's the observer and WE are the art, this is more of an experience for him than it is for us, like being conscious in an open casket at your own funeral, he gets to here what the public truly think of him and what they really care about, plus it's not a bad way to make some money by doing nothing