looks like she brought Pupok along to be her sandwich
looks like she brought Pupok along to be her sandwich
Well, you are the one who broke up with her, Delphine. And you know how petty Cosima can be (S1 "yeah it showed" comes to mind)
She's gorgeous and shady, what else do you want? :)
He was kind of an asshole tbh
Don't forget greasy and buttered. But still charming.
I disagree, I'm actually liking the way the Castors have been portrayed so far, which is absolutely not as one-dimensional villain roadblocks, but bred and raised as mere army commodities, no freedom to express any sort of individuality, no freedom to leave the army or disagree with their methods, absolutely no one…
Either Cosima makes sure to purchase an insane amount of candles every time she has a lady friend over… or more likely she's unabashedly stealing from Felix's romantic candles stash.
There's no way Mark knew, he's too much of an innocent lamb and too much in teen-love with Gracie. Rudy maybe did know, though.
Poor Paul, don't be so mean to him. They only brought him in to look pretty and shag clones, I'm sure he'll wrap his head around all these other difficult concepts too, eventually.
I totally expect Krystal to make another appereance at this point!
I think the bartender who saw them together was actually a man? Who said something like "lemme guess, you're the smart one and you're the wild one"?
Just B??? But, but…! This was the most fun I've had with Orphan Black in ages!
Well, Cal wasn't that bad compared to everybody else. Shady past notwithstanding.
Alison probably heard that they sacked Deangeli's actress and decided it was safe enough for her new ~activities
Teen Helena with Tomas and Maggie Chen iirc, but it's just a few pages
Yep, Cosima next month and then Rachel for last
Well, maybe Cosima's date will be a mole! She doesn't have a monitor right now, does she?
They actually showed her, and her father too, (SPOILER for whoever wants to read it) she was the one who forced Donnie to give up his last name (Chubbs) and become a Hendrix. They looked like a very generic rich couple, the comics are not very good imo.