Launchpad McQuack

Three Diaries?!?

Colorado Jones and the Hemple of Shrooms

I'm going there for the first time on April 22 to see Bob Mould

The cover of The Life of Pablo with the two pictures of a church scene and a well-rounded woman along with the question Which One? makes me think that Kanye released TLOP as a well-made demo and let the critical consensus shift it into it's final incarnation.

Fantastic episode, I thought this was the best behind one and three; all five of the big acting set-pieces were knocked out of the park, especially the end.
-I'm not fully convinced that Sylvia is ok.
-That haven't revealed Horace's son's name yet (Horace?) Who is going to take over the bar?

At my school I think the consensus was that Pokémon was the better product, but the six best Digimon could beat the six best Pokémon.

I Want My MTV is a great read; nearly every paragraph has an interesting tidbit. Robert de Niro got shut down by a in-her-prime Whitney Houston.

"I forgot."

There's a recurring character on Hey Arnold that looks very similar to Marge Gunderson.

I watched Mistress America last Sunday and I must've been in a good mood because I was laughing at pretty much every line.

I usually don't like skinny, whiny-voiced indie rockers, but not only do I like Bonnette's music, I also find him attractive.

On the podcast Guys We Fucked Tamberelli admitted that on more then one occasion he's said "You just got slimed" to a girl after finishing on them.

Yes. No. Maybe? I don't know.

I really enjoy Sara Varon's Sweaterweather series, it's just so unbelievably cute. In one comic some dinosaurs buy ice cream from a robot and that's the whole story!

To Pimp and Kid A are either 1/2 or 2/1 for Album of the Century, currently

I've seen every episode and I think I have a supernatural ability to guess who will win the dance-off. I even correctly guessed the time neither girl won.

I listened to The Cobbler followed by Oogielove's and Elliot made the exact same joke (forgot what it was).
I was disappointed that Jem wasn't a Good-Bad movie in the same vein as Bratz, I would've rented it if it turned out to be batshit insane.

Episode 5 was the "end of Act One" so maybe fifteen?

Watched Hertzfeldt's World of Tomorrow and it's really, really good.

Well to be fair he does that with men a lot too!