Launchpad McQuack

If I was a director I'd start a scene with a disorientating camera angle and then have the characters throw up.

T.J Miller sounds a lot like Ryan Reynolds, during the movie I actually leaned over to a friend and asked if this was a Parent Trap situation.

"I sit at my hotel at night, I think of something that's funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny."

"Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!"

"Hey brussell sprouts and broccoli, enjoy your fifteen minutes!"

I loved CHz's batshit craziness, although it doesn't have songs as good as "My Girls," "Summertime Clothes," or "Brother Sport" I think I've listened to it from beginning to end more than MPP. My two favorites were "Applesauce" and "Moonjock."

Michael Cera, unfortunately

That picture Kulap posted is amazing.

Top right corner is "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"

"Like, you know, whatever."

Yeah I couldn't tell you what happened, but I liked some of the arcs and the art style.

Kind of looks like The Wrenchies

If I had any musical talent, I'd do a fake Jeff Magnum album that's just increasingly creepy songs about Anne Frank.

Weezer hasn't done a color album that also hasn't been a Pokémon game, except for maybe Pinkerton.

The last time I watched something with Paul Rust in it that had the word "Love" in the title it was one of the worst movie-going experiences of my life.

I beat this once, but someone must have monkeyed with it because it was just a straight drop down.

Fun Fact: the hand Jepsen is holding in that video belongs to Ralph Nader.

Great song/video, love that skateboard at 1:06 and Carly's head move in tune with the HEY

Just like Nascar!

"Jesus, Internet" would be a great new feature.