Joey Pellegrino

"I mean, it's a whole thing with the genre in general, where the movies make becoming a gangster look so cool that the wives/girlfriends who aren't down with that come across as killjoys/shrews/bitches/etc. for being totally reasonable people who maybe don't want their own and their loved ones' lives to be in danger."

Pan's Labyrinth was also nominated, fittingly.

Denzel nailed his directorial debut, I have to say. I wanna take a bat to that B-

Only improved by having seen the movie.

I know! My friends and I were shocked that the Academy went with that one of his two performances as an extremely religious man undergoing spiritual and physical torment in Japan.
His Virginian accent wasn't even as good as his Portuguese accent!

Your bottom two match mine, oddly enough. Neither were bad, really, just far too reliant on cliche (and both make me even saltier that Silence wasn't the tenth nominee, and that Gibson stole Scorsese's Best Director nomination for said film).
Let's be honest, most egregious Oscar errors result from erring on the side

His voting record matches Ellison's 95% and Ellison was immediately made deputy. Don't panic.

Hidden Figures, I have to say, would deserve it far less.
Give it to Moonlight, though, by all means.

Do you mean the scene where the black man explains why the white man's purism is killing jazz?

This one won't fade like The Artist if only because Chazelle is clearly a more skilled filmmaker than Michael Hazanazavicaraniawhatever.

No penalty for earnestness. And "inessential" isn't really the strongest blow against any creative product, is it?

Norman Hill, right? Yeah, I honestly have no clue who the guy is.

"he was the proto-Breitbart"
Take that nonsense somewhere else.

He would've been an inspired choice.

"Since the Pyramids, Mar-a-Lago is the costliest monument a man has built to himself."

I know I'm late to this party, but when did your name change, Sheltie?!

How does everyone feel Aasif Mandvi compared to Billy Connolly from the '04 movie? Mandvi certainly had more to work with as far as screentime, and his Monty was a bit more savvy to the children's predicament, but Connolly's Monty was such a welcoming, tender figure that his death resonated as far more horrific.


Don't forget 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Oliver!, man.

I knew he was good since before I knew what made movies good at all; he did just what you described beside some of cinema's most charismatic puppets in Babe.