Bob Sacamano

Thank you for validating my childhood complaints. As a youngster, I had a deep hatred for all things Scooby-Doo.

^^^This statement encapsulates so much of the Black experience in such a succinct and profound way, it deserves to be etched in granite.

This is gonna be rule #1 at the next gathering my father-in-law attends.

LOL! I love that you bought the matching candle to go with your #5 ensemble.

Okay, so I agree that Lenny isn't as talented a musician/vocalist as some folks make him out to be, but he's always had a real knack for song crafting (however derivative) and for that, I've always been a fan. I also think he'd be an excellent addition to the tribute.

I've always been a firm believer in communicating with a S.O. about the "check in". It's okay to state what you want, in the here and now or what you're looking for in the future as long as you as temper those expectations with the understanding that things may change, so 'let's agree to check in occasionally and see

He was a Tennessean and not even the worst, at that. Lol!

I completely understand why anyone in their right mind would be burned out on this meme by now. That said, for whatever reason, it still gets a laugh out of me 9 out of 10 times. Smh.

*"Lip Synching"

Just reading this brought me to tears.

50 points for the Arn Anderson reference.

I just want to make sure this comment gets the acknowledgment it deserves. Kudos Sir.

Truth be told, on many of James Brown's coldest songs he was just riffing, lyrically, since he wasn't particularly literate. What made Him special is the unapologetic Blackness of his sound, musically. For the most part everything is sonically sweaty, aggressive and most importantly, all the instrumentation is

Nirvana had a great sense of melody and Producer Butch Vig made sure it was out front and catchy.