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    Considering her "break free of his control" would mean leaving, taking the kids, and losing ALL of the money? Like the psychiatrist in season 3 Second Opinion said? She's not all about breaking free, she's selfish and wants all of the money, none of the responsibility, wants to have some fake claim of "I didn't know!

    Considering her "break free of his control" would mean leaving, taking the kids, and losing ALL of the money? Like the psychiatrist in season 3 Second Opinion said? She's not all about breaking free, she's selfish and wants all of the money, none of the responsibility, wants to have some fake claim of "I didn't know!

    Tony doesn't know how to parent, it isn't his fault. He's doing what he can how he knows how.
    They say Johnny Boy was the bigger influence on Tony, but his mom had a hand in it. I think Carmela is the bigger influence on AJ, she was the one to be home and "parent" him, because she didn't work, she had a house maid 3

    Tony doesn't know how to parent, it isn't his fault. He's doing what he can how he knows how.
    They say Johnny Boy was the bigger influence on Tony, but his mom had a hand in it. I think Carmela is the bigger influence on AJ, she was the one to be home and "parent" him, because she didn't work, she had a house maid 3

    it's about steering the ship the best way you know how.

    it's about steering the ship the best way you know how.

    Don't "completely buy" the sociopath part. Tony isn't one. He just chooses to act like a sociopath, which isn't the same

    Don't "completely buy" the sociopath part. Tony isn't one. He just chooses to act like a sociopath, which isn't the same

    you're projecting a lot, was your dad a movie theater?
    All I said is that a joke is a joke. Even if nobody laughs, it was still a joke. End of story. And yes, people WILL and have the RIGHT to say something completely stupid and wrong, and then when everybody else calls them on it, can double back and claim it was a

    I liked how in season 3 or 4 Tony was standing, with a plate of food, about 3 feet away from some hookers making out. He was just staring and eating. hypocrite

    I liked how in season 3 or 4 Tony was standing, with a plate of food, about 3 feet away from some hookers making out. He was just staring and eating. hypocrite

    Yes it can. A tree in the forest falls, and nobody is around, it still made a damn sound. That was still a joke.

    oh dude, I work in a store that plays Sheryl Crow's "first cut is the deepest" twice a day, for the hours I'm there. god damn ridiculous, fuck fuck fuck cufkcukifk

    I want to say, as a question, would it be reasonable for Eugene to drop $1 Million dollars into Tony's pocket as a goodbye note?

    No, they gotta send a policer to police the area in any 911 call, even if it's phony

    Super good natural reaction that you could only hope to imitate
    glad they made it out alive

    don't beg for replies. just make your post and let it stand as it is
    which i didn't read, sorry

    drip on her. even adriana wasn't so dumb as to misread "drip on him"

    The Sopranos twice

    Very fun episode. Your fiancee was a dumbass. Hope you call a lawyer in heaven