
YouTube can be very profitable, and a great platform to make some quick skits… but as a show altogether, they still can succeed in TV show format. They really didn't give Muppets a chance last year. I thought it was funny and had great potential. It, tbh, lost a little when they tried to tweak the show and make the

Best place to discuss the AV Club's Formerly Covered Shows:
The Middle:
- Brick's Hamilton the musical idea was kind of a dumb subplot.
- Glad sue finally got the ginger kid. She finally gets a good win. If I were in her situation whereas he arrived on the golf cart with his girlfriend, I would have backed out

My bad… Luke. They're all the same.

A few things irritate me about this episode:
- How do all the employees just up & up quit? They just leave, leaving Alex alone. If I were here, I'd say 'screw this' and leave, too… thus the responsibility goes back to the former manager.
- Claire couldn't have just said "could we reschedule this for later"… when the

He is their direct neighbor. You'd think that he'd at least be featured somewhere somehow. Season 3 he was very prominent. Heck, he had his own storyline in S1 (Weekend @ Mort's). Kind of a shame they really don't even bring his name up.

If they're going to write him off, then do so… or bring him back at least as a character, even if he has no speaking roles… or get a new crematorium funeral director to replace Mort, but don't just keep Bob's 2nd best customer out of the picture without an explanation!

The only thing really disappointing me this season…
Couldn't they at least have gotten Andy Kindler to do a season's worth of his voice in one sitting?

Problem is that now since Adam is "growing up", we don't have these great heavy references to the 80's pop-culture any more. The main storyline just revolves around a topic from the 80's era (example: Andre Agassi, next week's Spencer's Gifts, Globetrotters, Knight Rider… etc), and work from there.

Nobody really mentioned it here yet (since AV Club 'doesn't review' these shows anymore)…

I noticed that right off the bat, thinkin Jay might make a little subtle quip about his Al Bundy days.

I knew that part, Pepperidge Farm also knew… I also noticed in more recent sitcoms, they ARE singing the actual Happy Birthday, of which I thought this was… because it's not just the words, but also the bars how it's sung was what was copywritten.

Are community colleges kind of out of the question for Manny and/or Luke (especially Luke)? Why these more prestigious colleges that are on-campus vs. one that they can still live @ home.

Well, she had to 'save her seat' so nobody else would take it. Besides, if anyone took it… she could blame the barista for not keeping an eye on it.

B+ minimum for me.
Start to finish, it was a great episode. I was just hoping more for Tina to have a broken leg instead of just a sprain to justify using the robot.

Simpsons lately have been hit or miss… sometimes just bleh… but when I saw it was going to feature Harry Plopper, I knew it was going to be good, and I wasn't disappointed. Homer teaming up with the pig is just hilarity from start to finish. All the jokes were spot-on, especially Homer's Mayo day-dream & Miracle Whip

They could have said "politician", but it's pretty much the same damn thing.

The Middle DEFINITELY has kept it fresh after all these years, but it ALWAYS the underdog on any ABC sitcom show. Obscure websites & IMDB are the only places that talk about it, which is kind of sad… especially how they still remain very whacky, and have good episodes that have great continuity that make callbacks to

Naah, Joe could look after himself. He's already what… 3? He can stay at home alone sleeping.

It's both good & bad. I just fine it more weird how Erica is so hot yet she can't land a boyfriend or is obsessed on getting Jeff to like her. Adam is still Adam, which is all fine. However, it's pretty much the same type of plot where one spoils the fun of another, they throw a hissy fit, other feels bad & eventually

What a fuckin' let down.
Boring, unfunny, and doesn't tie up loose ends.
What pissed me off is that Garrison wasn't his normal dick self. Cartman never turned truly back to his sociopathic self, and the Member Berries didn't do anything. I'm quite let down, especially after a few really funny episodes. Thought they