
Buzzfeed had a whole thing on it. I find it kind of hilarious that it exists, but it can also affect guys as well. Even though they're not mad (nor are they "fine")… I wonder if they grew up with too much frowny faces on their report cards.

You mean (RBS)? Resting bitch-face syndrome?

Not really. I was a little pissed too… as I can see myself pulling out something like this "win", and yet still failing to impress the big bosses no matter how big the "success" is.
Cliff's just a dick.

I think that was the sigh of "oh God, why am I still here at this happy-go-lucky place instead of knocking someone off"

He's looked exhausted since he was on Breaking Bad.
He's got the same expression for happy, sad, angry, and energetic.


You kidding? I still get my paper delivered every….single…morning. By car? At the foot of the driveway? No. It is right on my front porch so I barely have to take 2 steps outside, but then again… being on the East Coast, winters are a little different than New Mexico.

How come Mike isn't dog tired after being awake all day, awake all night, and seemed pretty ready for his day-job without even a single cup of coffee in hand?

Activision is kind of the EA in today's world. A reputable company, but games started great & then went downhill to mediocre, never pushing the system for what it could do.

"…it is also widely believed to be a significant factor in the North American video game crash of 1983."

The foreshadowing is strong with this episode.

Better question remains: WHERE are the Wolves? Where'd they all go? Did Rick & co. get rid of them all? I thought that one group was only a small part of a larger group roaming arbitrarily around.

So who is the most dispensable lead character we can deal with, without starting a riot when Lucille deals the death-blow? Maggie? Judith? Morgan? Abraham? Sasha? Glenn?

Well, so were the Arkham games.

"obviously terrible"?
Comedy is subjective. I used to not care for BBT, but I never really gave it a chance. Now, it is one of my favorite shows, but I really prefer the older seasons (just like any seasoned show that has passed its prime).

It's a black thing…
However, you heard it a LOT on Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Will called all his friends "G". Some say it's short for "gangster". Others, "god"… but who really knows.

Whenever I see Andy on screen, I swear to God, I just wish he was hiding his true personality of being a pot-smoking, drinking, slacker hiding-in-disguise who lives with 2 other dudes in a small ranch & works in an office selling worthless products.

Ashley… do 8yr olds have popularity contests, and the 'most popular' is usually the cliche 'cool girl, everything sucks here and is for babies' person?

The show seems to blast off when they focus much more on the kids antics and use the parents for comedic foil or a b-plot. When Eddie's with his friends (or posse), there's witty 1-liners everywhere.

You forgot The Bunkmate Agreement Rule#3 about Eddie not using language Evan can't understand (ie: 'G').