Kevin Caffrey

I think it was made for tv/made for cable.

But in that movie when Crudup meets the character, I think it then goes to HER retelling the story where she came on to him and he turns her down. My son was in a version of the musical and this is the way it goes down as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the movie indicates Edward Bloom did NOT cheat on his wife with the HBC character.

Beautiful movie, imo. One of Burton's best. No interest in Burton's Alice in Wonderlands and things like that, but Ed Wood, Big Fish, Big Eyes, Edwards Scissorhands — really great work.

good point. he was never portrayed as a total buffoon, right? (That said, Mr. Belvedere was never a major hit if I remember correctly — always seemed on the fringes of ABC)

Good choices. Under The Tuscan Sun might've been the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater. It was so bad it didn't even register sincere hate. It just sucked.

Artie has admitted that behind-the-scenes, Howard was trying to get him help. Not saying he did 100% right, but it was an odd situation during 05-09 when Artie was continually lying about everything. Once he tried to take his own life, clearly that woke Stern up and he realized and recognized that he did not want to

After years of Artie saying he screwed up and Stern did right by him, now he seems to be on a mad tear calling him an a$$hole, ugly, a pelican, politically correct, etc. A quick search of YouTube will pull up lots of examples.

So Artie took a break from bashing Stern every chance he gets to get arrested for drugs. Bravo.

the interview with Yiannopoulos exposed him as a douche with very little to actually say

I got the impression he died when they were in their early 20s. That timeline would work then.

Definitely hate watch this show for the most part. Some if it s very good (the characters of Jack & Kate especially), but I mean it literally goes to the manipulative cliche well nearly every week (heart attack cliffhanger! out-of-nowhere gay revelation! main character suddenly coming down with crippling

Good point. I think that is clearly one of the weaknesses of that film. But would one explain that it was the "will of the force" that she must die since that puts Luke and Leia on their individual paths that go about destroying the Empire? That said, there are also genuinely moving ones like when Order 66 is

There are some OK things about the prequels — the biggest problem is clearly the dialogue and simply the AMOUNT of talking that is in each one. Blows my mind how anyone under 12 or 13 could really follow along what exactly is happening at any time. Jar Jar is terrible, but go back and listen to C3P0 in ESB and the

Both movies are equally required viewing when coming across them on TV.

That's a good theory re: Mosquito Coast, although he put in a tremendous performance in "Frantic" just a year or so later and that was a "smaller" movie than MC. Maybe he really decided to stop bothering after "Regarding Henry," which was a pretty big flop at the time considering Ford's popularity.

The Mosquito Coast really is a great lost movie that more people should go back and rediscover. Witness->Mosquito Coast->Frantic … Ford was on a roll during this period. Shame he's looked mostly bored in everything since (and kinda including) "The Fugitive."

Yes do not get their due in the fact that if you listen to critically acclaimed and popular bands like Muse or Radiohead, you will hear a lot of what Yes was doing imo a lot more effortlessly in early/mid 70s. If you listen to Close to the Edge, Tales from Topographic Oceans, and Relayer — that music sounds like it's

Def not well represented. Genesis really is the only *true* prog band in the RRHOF. Yes, I know one can make a claim that PF and Rush can be considered prog—and certainly much of the material is—but when one thinks of prog rock — it's usually Yes, Genesis, King Crimson at the top of the list.

90125 also sounds *great* today — a tribute to not only the songs and performances, but also the production of Trevor Horn. Yes have influenced everyone from Seal to Voivod to Dream Theater to The Replacements. They should have been in 20 years ago.