
I'm certain it hasn't held up as well as I would have liked over the years but the first Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay was unlike anything else I had played up to that point and waaaay better than either of the movies out at the time.

haha, I think I did that, too. that game was full of decisions made with realistic (but still unforeseen) consequences that made me say "oh, shit. yeah, of course." I think I ended up restarting every time, though.

for as much as people want to rag on it, one thing is undeniable: i first played it in 2001

I actually LOVED a no-kill playthrough if dishonored and it along with mirror's edge are the only games where I recommend someone try them that way first. I do understand the abilities thing, though. I stayed away from so many without even having to give them a second thought since I wasn't looking to have high chaos.

you're right, and it's a reason why i actively try to complete the challenges in each level, too. of course, i've now mastered each weapon so the upgrade points don't really do anything anymore, but i still find myself trying to complete them. for the secrets in each level they did a good job of showing you the prize

just to bring down the classiness from talk of books and film: i talked about pro wrestling fandom in the late 90s that i went through, like so many 14 year old boys, to my wife enough that she was interested in trying it out for a month last year around wrestlemania. i think the main roster WWE stuff is hit and miss

DOOM is the first game in a long time where i actually want to find all of the secrets and collectibles, so i imagine that's where i'll be. as mitch dyer put it, "an emotional game about a distraught father searching for his 18 tiny sons." id did a tremendous job of giving me a sense of idiotic glee when running

my boss saw the titty and high-fived me while yelling "nice" and now im the boss of the company

I've only ever done the mission going after dmitri, but in that one you end up on a dirt bike on the beach chasing after him. it involves ramps, for some reason, and requires perfection. it was the most "grand theft auto-y" part of the game for me after 3/vice/andreas and luckily very short, but i still said a few

i think it's a reputation that's still running on the word of mouth from 1998. when i replayed ocarina a few years ago i was dreading the water temple but as a temple the navigation makes a lot of sense. the water temple is way, way better than the shadow temple and jabu jabu.

suikoden 2 is far and away my favorite game of all time, but the two rivers portion really drags on. I found the wingers really uninteresting and then felt bad because everyone in the game shits on them, too.

i don't think i've been able to get off taris on a replay in years once i hit the fucking "find the cure for the weird zombie-gollum disease" quest below the city.

yeah, they show the first sequence of the aborted launch when you first get to rocket town. the part about shera also shouldering the blame to save cid's life, too, I haven't come across in this playthrough yet. it sounds familiar but I hadn't remembered until you mentioned it.

playing FF7 over the last ten days or so for no real reason other than I just like to play PSX games on my vita. maybe 23+ hours in and already noticing a few things that'll certainly have to be, at the very least, tweaked in the remake (which I have no interest in).

my personal experience: the only otc analgesic i can take is acetaminophen, so while it's still dangerous, at least i can take it and it helps with some pain. i can't take aspirin or ibuprofen at all, or any NSAIDs. it sucks but i still need it, and i think that's the case for a lot of people.

so many OTC drugs have it and compared to aspirin and ibuprofen it takes almost nothing to be considered dangerous. you need to take like 20 times the recommended dose for aspirin to be dangerous and something like six times for ibuprofen but just twice the dosage for acetaminophen.

i know i'm more or less responding to your other comment starting a thread but as someone who grew up during the WAR ON DRUGS that went to seattle last year: weed is the answer for sure. i freak out when i have to take hydrocodone for more than a month and i just escaped a hellish four months on it and tylenol is the

it doesn't help that a lot of them have acetaminophen which is ludicrously easy to overdose

i can only assume that you have the comments sorted differently than i do, then, if you're still counting. probably for the best.

jesus christ this still pulls the breath right out of me. i really don't understand the "whoa, old guy is the same as he was 20+ years ago, shocking!" snark that most articles about woody allen get.