
Once again I feel Regular Show had the stronger episode. I would give White Elephant Gift Exchange an A+ because it was just a perfect episode if you want to laugh a lot with well established characters that you know. Merry Christmas Mordecai is lighter on laugh but builds on those established characters with a slow

Just read the IGN review and it is better but not by much. They gave it a 8.0 which is basically a B-. That reviewer didn't seem to think the episode was as funny as I did either. I felt this was a very funny and entertaining episode. Personally I think this episode deserves at least a B+ maybe a A- it was that good.

I wonder what has to happen to someone's life in order for them to not find this hilarious? Do I want episodes like this more often with barely any plot? No, but I think this was just a funny episode that was done just to entertain. There was no moment of learning a point, no lecturing about some problem or how

I'm so disappointed that no one seems to be reviewing Regular Show. The episodes have been great and the Halloween episode was particularly good. Rigby's story was the best and it could have been a normal episode all on it's own. The origin of Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost's friendship was interesting. That they were

I enjoyed this episode and felt like it was about a B or B- episode. I think the reviewer missed some points of the episode though. The reviewer didn't even mention the fact that in the outside scenes all there were was drones. Everyone in South Park was experiencing life through a drone. They weren't even willing to

They could have avoided any controversy if they had Billy Gardell, Melissa McCarthy, from Mike and Molly up there. But wait I forgot some pc bullshit would have complained they picked them because their overweight and were being mocked. Even though they make about three fat jokes an episode.

You're an ass that seems devoid of humor.

My favorite part of the book is from the unicorn's episode. It reminded me that Benson murdered a miracle of unicorns. That's what a pack of unicorns are called. Benson puts them all in a car with a rocket on it, fires into the sky and then blows it up. "That's how you get rid of unicorns." -Benson (The Park manager)

Anyone who is a fan of Benson's freak outs like he was doing tonight should check out the book,
Benson's Big Book of Freak-Outs. It is shaped like Benson's head and is a kids book. But it covers all of Benson's freak outs from past episodes. You really can hear his voice when you read, "Your fired!" about a hundred

One of the best lines of the whole episode is from Flash. Their all tied up by the tentacles and Brainiac latches a tentacle to each JL member and Flash says just before being the last to get a tentacle, "I can so wait my turn."

This episode was sort of a sequel to "Dead by Eight." It's actually a direct sequel to "Guitar of Rock" because Death says that Mordecai, Rigby, and Benson would have to babysit Thomas. Mordecai says that "Him and Rigby will weasel out of it somehow." I had actually hoped that the way they would weasel out of watching

I hope there is an episode that show's how Rigby and Eileen's evening went.

I would say LSP gave Finn a very aggressive kissing session. The kind that you get as a teenager from some girls who are like LSP. A bit lonely and trying to act like they know what their doing. I loved the line read, "Don't be scared, Finn. Lumpy's on lifeguard duty." Just the right amount of creepy and sincerity by

Deep in the heart of Kansas!
Wait that doesn't sound right. Did I do it wrong?

Two of Hollywood's great scene chewers on NBC! It's to the top baby!

I'm going to watch this just out of spite. If Todd hates this logic tells me that I'm going to love it. I always seem to hate what he approves of and love what he complains about.


I would like a to see someone take on Venture Bros.

Motorcycle gets top billing was Owen Wilson's only demand.