"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car! Now, I'm a car too!"
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car! Now, I'm a car too!"
It had a bitter rivalry with The Jung Show
Only if they bring back Hit Me and Poker Game as well. How else are kids home from school supposed to learn the rudimentary rules of gambling?
"The installer said those are prison laser rings and I… I believed him."
Could you take your foot off of my amulet? I need to sense hungry teens with it…
"Is that, like, a Powerpuff Girl, or something?"
The Mooninites were great, but I always preferred the Plutonians. Good ol' Emory and Oglethorpe.
True story, I watched the Happy Time Harry episode in college with some other people and we had to turn the episode off when Happy Time Harry's depression got a little too "real" for somebody.
"Yes, you are. A sorry sack of Tangerine Bitch"
Typical. Robots
In a surprise, twist, the end reveals that this game was Infamous 4 all along.
Continuity? The lady said she was going to put acid in the parachute, and then she did it! What more do you kids want from a movie?!
"Oh to be blessed with an instrument like that."
I feel like Rick and Morty is becoming the show I always wished Doctor Who was.
I dropped the book around the same time, and I think the reveal and subsequent response to the Adversary had a lot to do with it.
Considering Justin Roiland does Rick, Morty, Mr. Meeseeks and Lemongrab from Adventure Time, I'm amazed his vocal chords haven't imploded.
Associate Professor of English and Comparative Must See TV Studies.
Some geek got ahold of a Monkey's Paw and fucked us real good.
Naturally, my complaints about dumb names do not extend to things like Phoenix Wright and the hardworking staff behind Car Talk. (R.I.P., Heywood Jabuzzoff)
It's both. Welcome to the Nerdobouros.