Did you ask Mrs. Goldberg to make you one?
Did you ask Mrs. Goldberg to make you one?
I think it's why it's Club Chubby in My Name Is Earl.
The line was "30-something" years ago. Though I wonder what Frankie and Mike were like in the 1990s, before they had Axl.
It's 40 inches, and Sue and Lexie aren't that big.
Only four hours away from the beach.
Come on man. Why must you place another hurdle between John Barrowman vs Captain Digger Harkness?
He's that guy in the Goldbergs that conned Barry into a modeling career.
That's a Pokemon! http://bulbapedia.bulbagard…
Could Pablo be Alba's son that we don't know about?
Now do Car 54!
I do like Elementary for actually taking those "ripped off the headlines" stories, when Dick Wolf won't. It also makes me miss Leverage.
They could do this much better regarding the culprit. In this show they ARE men of power who abuse it by targeting the working class.
I don't think they were honey bees, but Clyde's Killer Army.
This is the story that this episode was based upon. http://www.npr.org/2011/05/… I assume in four years, things haven't changed.
Who DIDN'T Oliver sleep with?
I sold a lot of Silverhawks toys for an obscene amount of money for what they were. People are strange.
I read that line a bit like in the Goldbergs when Dave Kim crank calls the Coach. "Is your refrigerator running? It wasn't, and it got really sad."
That would be a GREAT Erica/ Barry or Adam episode.
Learn to bedazzle. https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Modern dance is a sport right? Brick could learn that.