
Thanks for the clarification. Sue may be naive, but although one feels she's stupid sometimes, one should feel stupider for thinking the latter.

One of those shows could afford to crash a Porshe into a pool within the first few minutes.

I saw that in the Kramer show, where the plot involved a factory that made those singing fish.

The AV Club is very lazy with the sitcoms, which are consistently not as disappointing as teh dramas.

Man, when those kids started doing the Shaggy Dance, even past the commercial break, I was laughing my ass off. They are definitely lamer than Steve and his friends gyrating to Keith Sweat.

You forgot Scottie Pippen.

It's as if there's a ceiling on subtitles!

I also cried as this episode aired. Glad to see Michael be a mensch, and bury all that whininess down. I wish I was Mateo so a shirtless Rafael would rock me to sleep.

By all accounts this show just shouldn't exist on network tv. A "spinster" main character, an Asian male lead of an ex-boyfriend? I watched part of it, because "I'll Have What Phil's Having" was on, and I liked it. It's worth giving a chance even if it sounds like a CW Summer show.

Hell yes. Thanks to Ms. Shoemaker for choosing that particular pic.

Odd they didn't get a civic. I looked up the MPG for those early 1990s things and they are insane. 50MPG!

Man, I went ape- for that movie, and it was on VHS!

I've been calling it Chinese-American Dad!

Why did they choose to get a sedan and not another mini-van, like a Subaru Outback? Unless, Grandma drives in style.

Fitz did more for Simmons than Sam Winchester for Dean while he was stuck in Purgatory. Bros4Life.

Bev should've made a wager, but it seems she lost that as well.

Oh Canada, just keep making that hilarious punk music.

Enough with the revenge. Agent Carter is already a sexy Avenger drama.

The way Wuntch keeps bothering Holt, it does feel like she still wants to jump his bones. If anything, she's pretty much like Peralta, which does explain why Holt is able to handle him so well.

I'm somehow feeling that HRG ISN'T the real HRG. His memory wipe and general less-doucheyness? My money is a reprogrammed shapeshifter who might have to fight tooth and claw to keep his sanity.