Daniel smith

I had to look away when Barry kissed Iris. I was like "that's so wrong"

My point is Bob's Burgers is not consistent. Two Broke Girls is atleast consistently bad.

My point is, Bob's Burgers is not consistent. Two Broke Girls is consistently bad.

Well that's something we both can agree on. Two broke girls is probably the worst show in television. I must admit there were a handful episodes of Bob's Burgers that showed great homour and character development. But they were few and far between.

I can't stand Bob's Burgers. How is this still on air?

I still can't help but think of the relationship between Barry and Iris a bit incestuous.

Carol was awful. I can't remember the last time a movie left me feeling so cold.

This episode made so happy. Thank you X-Files for going batcrap crazy!

What! Just a B+ ? I LOVED this episode! A+++ from me 😆

I am a gay man and went to watch CAROL with my mate. My mate walked out of the cinema half way through CAROL and I stayed till the end expecting wonders due to all the positive reviews, but I was disappointed. That's 2.5 hours of my life I won't get back. I can't remember the last time a movie left me so cold and…

Hmm I found the finale rushed and badly executed compared to all the previous episodes. The Pedro line got a chuckle but the rest of it felt like they just improvised everything on set.

weird as I've heard of the Wrath of Khan movie and when I saw Into the Darkness my head just went "oh he's supposed to be that guy from that movie…meh"

Season 2 wasn't half as funny as Season 1.It's like they had used up all the gags and creativity by season 1. Ok there you go I said it!

Don't want to be a killjoy. I saw Madmax on a regular screen and on IMAX 3D when it released. I didn't enjoy the IMAX screening at all. Somehow the cinematography and the effects were better enjoyed in a regular cinema with digital screening.

I watched this on tele because there was nothing else to watch. I must admit I had trouble sleeping for a week afterwards. It left a strong impression on me but I still can't figure out what it's all about,but glad I watched it.

I was a bit late to Looking and I almost postponed watching it thinking its yet another loud, exaggerated gay TV show. But boy was I wrong. Its so beautifully shot and life affirming. Hope they keep it going. I however think they should make it a 45min episode than the current 27 minutes/episode format.

Love Chris. I agree, I probably noticed him in The Devil first and his performance stayed with me for a long time. Then Mindy Project came along and I was bowled over. Talk about screen charisma :)

Episode 4 is still my favourite episode of season 2, especially as it deals with Jack's wife.I found that very emotional. I've seen that episode more than once.

I thought this was a stunning episode. I had a bit of trepidation after seeing the rating on here. I think the reviewer should watch this episode again with an open mind. I like how Hannibal is 'consuming' Will (no pun). I thought the sex scenes were beautifully shot, reinforcing the bromance between the two…

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun at the cinemas! Thank you Grand Budapest Hotel. I hope Wes Anderson never stops making movies.Heck, make it illegal!