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    Did PFT and Ben Schwartz premiere their Hamilton take yet? I have been waiting on baited breath for MONTHS.

    Dogs be Doggin

    I might need to give in an instagram. Good find.

    Just found out about him. His cover of Change by John Waite is profound.

    Yeah nothing about them doing that makes any sense. Or any mortal. Must be the gods.

    One two, One Two

    So did the Brotherhood kill everyone? or was that another group? Why would they do that?

    I could have done without the waif adjusting her top in a douchey manner. That was a little cartoony.

    Yeah, but The Hound is not much of a talker or a listener.


    It was a great bit of horror when she realized that anyone could be after her.

    Saw the Movie. Long but a good film.

    About to see the movie. This seems like bull outrage. As a fan of the comics, this shot is the only terrifying thing I have seen from Apocalypse. Mystique is an incredibly powerful mutant evolutionarily speaking for her ability to blend in and practically disappear. The entire fact that she has been caught is

    All great suggestions.

    I have been relistening the the early episodes again. There is lots of gold to be had in the first 30 episodes that I forgot about.

    I would also like to know.

    This seems more legit than 95% of reality.

    Is anyone in the AV comments think they are interesting enough for me to interview on my podcast?

    Yard Sard has to be a joke right?

    I am not saying this doesn't happen but Jesus it has only been a few days. It is a little early to call someone out for that.