If he was a girl all debate about poor writing would fade in the perspective of hot lesbian action.
If he was a girl all debate about poor writing would fade in the perspective of hot lesbian action.
Hmm… With or without mustache?
Don't do it.
I want to say some cool RPG series but the truth is my 3DS tells me I have somehow put 350 hours into Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
(I'm better now.)
Nice! Thanks for the recommendation.
True that. And I'm enjoying the generally non-binary morality in DA. I never felt like there was a point to going Renegade in ME, but the rivalry mechanic in DA2 was very interesting, even though the mages vs. templars thing could've been fleshed out a lot better…
I feel like that's a bit unfair to Shepard… Female Shepard, at least, is great.
… crap I just realized I abandoned ALBW right before the final boss because I was having exams and then forgot about it.
If you'll excuse me…
Hell to the yes, there is such a thing as too much content. It's funny you'd mention the Deep Roads because that was a roadblock for me too, I unfortunately saved in the Anvil of the Void area without any poultices or healers with me, and the only other save I had was 6 hours back… ack!!! Eventually I realized I could…
I guess we just like liking things.
About everyone being shallow petty and immature - I always thought that was the point, although it's made much more clear in the comic. (I love both movie and comic)
I bought Dragon Age: Inquisition during Origin's spring sale. I'll spend the few hours I'll need to download it by finishing up my second run of DA2, where I'm being a dick to everyone and having a lot more fun than the first time around (I think I'll use this save for DAI).
I got into Dragon Age somewhat late (I only…
He stopped? Aw.
Why does a place that fills up with murderous cannibalistic robots every night need a security guard?
I'm going with the classics. Megaman, Optimus Prime, or Lidl.
I'm glad there are people who manage to have ~controversial opinions~ about this. All I can think is how all-around depressing it is for everyone involved.
no I'm pretty sure that still looks like junk.
Riki isn't in the game yet, right? I still can't believe they put in Generic Anime Boy Shulk over the actual best character in Xenoblade.
Sheena would be fun to play as. Card combos + summon Smash!
I know they already said they'll never put him in the game, but I'm still voting for Ridley. They asked!