
Yeah, I'm with you on that…there's so much lost in translation, and I feel like we need to choose our words a little more carefully. (I FULLY admit I need to take my own advice on this).

How would you describe them, if that was your point? Hack-ninjas? A mysterious online consortium? The *gasp* dark web?

That was such a fun read from all three of you, Erik, Matt, and Sean! Thank you.

I get where you're coming from (and I suspect we have roughly identical views on idiots like Hannity)…I just worry any time things devolve into such base violence. Maybe we can just rough him up a bit? :p

Good call. Let's advocate for the crucifixion of our opponents.

McConnell has been the core evil who has managed to slip through the cracks, the one who could do the worst while being ignored…silent, stealthy, deadly…I'm getting off-track.

Yes, let's all continue to make jokes! Let's all pretend the Sony hack didn't have any impact on anyone or anything! Let's pretend the election hack is so knee-slapping I still have scars!

Yes. Let's all laugh at the "criminals" who have information that's literally worth millions to not only a company, but the people who contributed to the production in question. Let's laugh at the fact they are holding that information hostage, and literally demanding a ransom. Let's laugh at the fact that innocent

Hasn't GoT proven this can be adapted as a series? Putting out a shitty movie as a "pilot" was a bad idea…same can be said of Chronicles of Narnia; had that adaptation held off a few years, I reckon it'd have a much different fate.

Am I allowed a main? If not, no.

Nobody thinks it's a documentary, Rush. We all know it's just a recreation of historical events like Band of Brothers or The Tempest.

We're talking about Google — yes, they want a Terminator.

But who wouldn't want a space robot on staff?

"while obviously at the end of the day you do have to hire people based on merit"

I know you're coming with good intentions, but maybe it's not the best idea to quote the book that is more than a little famous for oppression…

Well the third auto-fill is "sexism against men" so there's that…

Google's worked pretty well for me when it comes to porn, especially when pornhub lets you down with the shortened version of a clip…

Why don't we all just use Bing instead? /cue rancorous laughter

Sort of…but in the classiest way possible, I guess?

He's already broadcasting his stupid smirk while drinking a beer. I'd link to it, but fuck him. What I would give to punch him once for every person he's fucked over…I know he claims to be a black belt or something, but I have a feeling his spine is too weak and his belly to yellow to actually be capable of taking a