
You probably aren't very good at interpersonal interactions; otherwise you'd know that telling someone to 'chill' is pretty much guaranteed to set them off.

So what's your point? You went ad hominem in a hurry there.

If you haven't seen them, where do you get off judging them?

You're so right! From Superman to Spider-Man 2 to the Dark Knight to Guardians of the Galaxy, every single 'Super Hero' movie has ended up being total garbage!

Google is paying us $97 per hour. Google is paying us.

Try harder next time.

Last time a Canadian team was in the Cup Finals (Ottawa), the opposing team (Anaheim) had more Canadian players on its roster than the "Canadian" team did.

No one is complaining about the abs. If anything I didn't like seeing him without a beard because hot damn he wears it well…Nora knows what she's doing (specifically regarding beards, if nothing else).

I think Perotta's a lot more involved than one would assume…there's a recent Variety interview with Lindelof that hints towards that; I'm just really lazy and don't feel like linking it

Don't feel too bad…they are still married, right?

I agree that it might not go down as an all-timer (but we'll have to see how they stick the landing to really say for sure). I'd suggest that this episode in particular shines a light on how irrelevant all the looniness is, which I think is kind of the point of the story. Forest and trees, etc.

I know Alston mentioned it, but hot damn is Theroux REALLY good in this. He was fucking captivating, and not just because of his abs.

1) I don't think Kevin Sr. is completely crazy. Christopher Sunday told Assassin Kevin that he had told Kevin Sr. that there is no song — this implies that Sunday is at least aware of both worlds and understands that he has had contact with Kevin Sr. in the 'regular' world.

This Nyle guy seems like he's pretty interested in getting his name out there…

I dated a girl who taught ASL and regularly got a hard time because she could hear, on the basis that if someone teaches the language they should be deaf. It's kinda fucked up.

This is where the show lets you know that the "story" about the Stussy brothers was never the story at all. Plenty of complaints about how thin the Stussy relationship has been — that's never been the point. It's the story told to obscure what's actually happening. Same as how Varga keeps telling stories to either

Really? Mariah Carey seems nice??

I loved this bit too, especially how they quietly set it up earlier (her telling Mac the Cop she's not on Facebook; the filing cabinets of the police office). She is the grain of sand that stands to ruin his microchip, if you will.

DJ = Darth something right? Julius?

Yeah that's fair…it's just a pet peeve of mine so I let it get under my skin more than I should.