
My response to you is your name. Bleurgh.

WE are Groot.

While that's certainly true, I'd suggest that makes Walter the antagonist, as well meaning is he is

In fairness to the question asker, he did specify "ensemble" shows…even if I tend to agree with you (although Pam might have something to say about Archer being the best character)

I'd argue that Olivia is the "main character" even though the plot largely revolves around Walter (who I agree is by far the strongest character in the show…except for possibly Gene)

Fuck you.

In reverse order, yes that's all the Tiny Tim I mean by "some."

I like to do something similar with jukeboxes…if there's a bunch of hip-hop playing I'll put on some Protest the Hero; if there's a bunch of classic rock playing I'll put on some Tiny Tim.

For me it's not that they often come off like idiots in their public stances, it's that they kill a shit-ton of animals.

Hidden by SPs

"Original" is kinda pushing it…

First of all I never suggested a link between anything. Second of all, Lucy was sort of successful, but it's not a movie that anyone will remember in 10 years.

Let's name some that have been! Aliens! Kill Bill! That is all.

I feel like it's similar to the reaction to Ghostbusters…I don't think people are unwilling to consume stories starring women or minorities, but I think people react poorly when established characters/stories are the vehicle. I personally find it frustrating when 'diversity' is shoe-horned into something, as I would

That's a BIG question…

No, I lived in a bedroom. It had a bed and my toys and clothes in it.

When I was young and lived at home, my room was in the basement…I don't see what point you're trying to make here generalizing like that…or do I????

Please provide one example of pre-immigrant "American" food that you've had. (Here comes some Googling…)

Pretty recently I glanced at a comment about the pumpkin that said "Bigot-in-Cheif" (I'd source if I knew how) and thought it read "Bigfoot-in-Chief."

Can anyone who works for this site tell me anything about what Canada is up to besides weed legalization and/or Trudeau having great hair?