
Yeah I probably should have edited that but I forgot/was too lazy. When explaining to someone who has no idea though, as I was, it's easiest just to say the guy isn't really that important in the contemporary X-universe. Regardless, I don't think the TV incarnation of the character is going to hew too closely to the

If Elliott Kalan (the head writer of the new show) also writes the comics, which he may well do, you won't have to worry about silly bullshit like facts.

I think that's a bit of a myopic interpretation of why people believe irrational things. Admittedly, I'm being similarly blunt in my opinion (this format not lending itself to nuance); but, I think the important thing is to recognize something you said — that there are people that feel this way. While there may be

A well reasoned argument

I agree; but it's better that his brand of 'entertainment' is allowed to exist — rather than hide it away and shun it inherently, this way it can be exposed and, ideally, we can focus on education. The Berkeley thing was the best thing that could have happened to him, though, because now there's a them vs us

Never said he had any authority at all — very much the opposite, and that's kinda what I'm getting at

It might not be a freedom of speech issue in the legal sense, but it is in the societal sense. Plugging our ears and ignoring what these people say doesn't make them going away any more than ignoring that lump cures cancer.

Carol-only episode? Sold.

Doug Benson?

There no longer is a San Diego, and even if there were, they're MILES from being contenders.

Notice that when David-as-Skyler is first exploring the walls with no doors the first room (s)he passes is 237? Also, more obvious, the place is called Clockworks…

The character is a REALLY minor character from 30~ years ago; his powers were a bit different in that he would absorb other's personalities and powers into his own, but he was ridiculously powerful, in theory, the same way this character is. If I recall his backstory is similar but don't Google it as there may be

Thanks for the apologies, and allow me to extend my own. I also find myself communicating poorly, especially when it's a 'high-stakes' conversation, not least of which because of the nature of the medium.

I might be too drunk (I'm definitely too drunk); but the answer to every question should be Mary McDonnell. (I don't know why you said "Also, it's Mary McDonnell" but either way, a billion upvotes for getting the correct answer)

How has that show not become the cult classic it deserves to be?

Funny you begin with a speech about how particular you were with your words, (justifiably) give me shit for putting words in your mouth and then finish with a very impressive heaping of assumption. You don't know who I am or where I'm from or what my family situation is, you fucking ass. You went from being a really

And someone has to open the roadblock on said street. Shitting on someone who asked an honest question, even if he's been a dick in the past, is how we got here. Treating someone like an asshole because he maybe-sorta-kinda-but-didn't-actually support someone who has proven to be an asshole isn't a 2+2 equation.

The sarcasm I'm sensing (correct me if I'm wrong) is EXACTLY the problem I'm talking about. You're frankly an idiot if you don't see that neither side has disregarded nuance and reason in order to engage in a screaming match. The left is as guilty as the right.

Welp…looked at the guy's comments and I'm inclined to agree with you. That said, no one has ever changed a mind with smartassery. He asked a question and got a bunch of puffed up idiocy in response…that's not the way we win this game…

And how do you know that, precisely?