
Not what I was saying at all. The pumpkin should be opposed (and should have been better opposed at the polls….). Hating people who supported him is not the way to go, however. Anger and ignorance cannot be met in kind with further anger and ignorance. The only way to deal with shit like that is through the

Yes, hate symbols is what we need right now. How quickly people become those they despise…

I don't understand why ESPN thought anyone would pay attention to Skip Bayless. But then again, election results…

That was prior to the PG-13 rating and the ensuing clampdown the MPAA has put on everything other than horrific violence.

I think you make a crucial point — anger at those who are different is why the pumpkin was elected; those of us who are revolted by him and the election results need to rise above that. It's so much easier to be angry than it is to be patient, but there's a reason one is a virtue.

But…can we dance?

Just to start, explain how the NFL and NBA appeal to different states and exploit people differently…

I would recommend the Flop House podcast for some information about 80s nudity…or just for having fun

I think, but I'm not 100% sure, that you can get away with one "fuck" and keep it PG…of course nobody knows how the MPAA works, so I can't really provide a source…


If you think that seeing other people smoke makes you want to smoke, you're a fucking idiot. The parade against smoking is absolutely goddam ridiculous and every time it suffers a loss, it's wonderful. Light em up if you choose to.

It's interesting how the narrative has changed because of his win…major Republicans were trying to find ways to divorce themselves from the monster they helped create, but now, they're in charge of literally every branch. We're going to end up with someone like Giuliani as Attorney General when I think most of us

I get what you're trying to imply, but it's not that simple. First of all, it's pretty universally not cool to paint one's skin to try and look like a different race. (that was the joke part). Secondly, it involves a break with the group. Black people who aren't "black" enough are often referred to as Uncle Toms

I think it's just something that comes with the territory nowadays. It's not enough to accept a shifting social dynamic (hence the election…I mean, as a rebuff to that idea), people have to hate the person who's great-grandfather was tangentially associated with the system that led to hatred of them. The only thing

You have this so wrong, my friend. NOBODY CHOOSES THEIR RACE. What is ascribed to a given ethnicity is a social construct. Yes, someone can choose to actively participate in those stereotypes or try to defy them, but that's an individual choice. Do you honestly think that hate crimes against any given group are

I would like to think that he would approve of those words, and, more importantly, that sentiment.

I can't imagine I'm the first to comment on this…but the fact that his last album is titled "You Want it Darker"…

Mr. Harris has a knack for that it seems…reckon it helps that he's good at his job ;)

Totally agree. I can't pretend that I got to know him well, but I understand the concept of being motivated to conquer a new realm after you've conquered a previous one…and then no one caring and quoting the first movie you got truly famous for as if that's all you've ever accomplished…first world problems and all,

Yeah, I think that's the real trigger…it's still sort of odd to see a person act so differently than the person you know them as; I guess it's just because of the celebrity/publicity part that we all get to have an opinion…