
You fkcuked up when you spelt Hillary write

Honest question: what happens if the season is terrible?

Also, maybe not the time or place, but let's all hang our heads or say a prayer or drink some whiskey or something over the Emmett Till Memorial defacing.

I've written too long on this below, but I think you're getting at what the show has become — to me, at least, it's turned into a look at innate humanity more than how technology 'exposes' said humanity. If that makes sense…

Dude, ten billion upvotes. Let's just love who we love and let everyone else love who they love.

Are you referring to the wedding picture I linked? If you think that's brown, we probably are just seeing colours differently…

I feel like it's been a lot more (pop) culturally common in the UK than in the West for quite a number of years…just a feeling. Seems that in UK pop culture, nobody bats an eye, whereas in Western pop culture, we're only just figuring out that a person of colour isn't some kind of oddity when they hook up with the

Another very well written review, first of all…let's all take a moment to appreciate that we have reviewers around here that actually engage with the material in a far more eloquent way than I possibly can.

I think you nailed it.

No, and I'm not thinking of Lori Lemaris, Superman's other LL "girlfriend" who was also a mermaid…Lois Lane hasn't always had the bright red hair of Mary Jane, but to me, she's always been a red-head. I'll point to my above post referencing the Fleischer cartoons for why that's the case (at least for me).

Zod votes for no man or woman!!!! You dare to claim his name!?!!?!

Haha, The Ghost of Eazy E always has a trick up his sleeve, he's a clever ghost…either way, thanks for the info

I'm never super-confident about anything internet, so thanks for the heads up to everyone else that wants to get right to it :)

As much as I appreciate written interviews (I know I'm a dying breed); I would love to hear this one out loud. I don't know that seeing it compares to hearing the clearly loving interplay between the two subjects and the excellent job Ms. Zuckerman (I presume) did in teasing it out of them.

We're already streets ahead on that topic over on the episode review page ;)

/gives self a high-five because he gets to ride in the front seat because he's the good guy at sports!!!

I'd save it for the official obit…but Fuck Communism…

Aww fuck no, really? That can't possibly be…:(

Not gonna research this, just gonna guess…the Pirates?