
I think The Village is pretty great. There's plenty that doesn't make sense on the face of things, but I could make that argument about probably 95% of movies. Please explain what you don't like about it.

I scoffed at Cabin of the Woods trailers as more by-the-books 'horror' bullshit (even though I'm a fan of both Whedon and Goddard), but ended up seeing it at the theatre basically by default (nothing else worthwhile was playing) and fuckin LOVED it.

Scott Pilgrim was a tough one to market in the first place…it's certainly intended for a very specific (and narrow) demographic, meaning it's a tough sell to the broader market in the first place. And then there's the Edgar Wright factor, meaning we're not going to see what we expect to see…

Separate reply because I don't seem to understand how the spoiler thing works. (I'm pretty bad at the internet in the first place). If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate some guidance.

I think, in that respect, Shyamalan was a victim of his own hype. By the time The Village came around, people were expecting a twist and the marketers for his movies bought right into that (it's worked before, right!!!).

I feel like The Village really suffered from poor marketing. I think it's a really strong story about commitment and how love can take people down paths they didn't anticipate. It was presented as a scare flick, though, and I think a large number of people, both before and after the initial release were expecting

I think it's others, like Adele and MrsLandgonAlger, that deserve the credit, but thank you so much for saying so, it really brings a smile to my heart. :)

Hence the shudder…

Not Joel Schumacher…

Thanks for taking the time to read through how things ended up. I know I was an ass by reacting how I did, and I appreciate how several members of the AV Club community were patient with my ignorant behaviour.

I always figured I'd care about someone telling me they don't watch a show someday. But someday is not today.

Oh, I don't for a minute believe that trust is all it takes…you said it well when describing it as a necessary but not sufficient condition. I think the trust I'm talking about is almost cyclical…it exists because the love is there, and the love exists because the trust is there. It's a different kind of trust than

I get the feeling that most of those who are hating on this have never actually heard The Talking Heads, let alone see them play (live or otherwise)

I wish I could pretend to be awesome, after having failed mightily at it, but thank you for saying so all the same :)

Hey! Things seemed to have died down (I'm not trying to keep anything going, so I'm not really keeping track); I'd like to thank you for being accepting. It would have been easy to just tell me to fuck off (and I was off-point when I accused you of doing so), but you were rad instead. Adele has also been rad (I

I've tried to listen, when critiques have been valid. I think I've done a reasonably good job of doing so…not sure how to prove it (not that you're asking for proof). More important than any of that, to me at least, is that YOU accept my apology for popping off at the mouth. I said a shitty thing without thinking

So NOTHING about that struck you as "stereotypical black woman"??? At any point???

"Crooked Paul is a regular daredevil. I'ma do a sweet jump over two dozen of your wrecked arguments, slap you in the face, and tell you like it is."

It's always tough to remember that in the moment, though, right? Either way, thanks for being awesome.

For what it's worth, I was teasing about the "let me give you some advice" knowing clearly I was being a jerk (instead of unintentionally being a jerk). I actually very much appreciated a calm, thoughtful response. I will continue to appreciate such responses…