
A billion upvotes

I think you forgot to mention maple syrup and hockey and universal health care as all the other terrible things Most Americans Don't Like.

Ever get to the bottom of a bag of dill pickle and the bottom of a bag of ketchup and mix those fuckers together? That's how it's done, my friend.

Yeah that occurred to me after the fact…I suppose it's a different skill set though, so the same people won't necessarily be employed. Still a good point.

I reckon you're half-joking and all, but if it keeps drunk people from going out and being idiots, it can't be all bad. Except for the delivery drivers that are being replaced…it's all bad for them.

Well said, but the reality is Kaepernick IS an NFL QB and thus has a more public venue from which to state his case, making it inherently more powerful/controversial/attention-getting than had it been a barista.

Not sure how much longer we'll have football at this rate. It's sad to see…

Brandon Marshall, the Denver player who kneeled for the anthem last night, just lost an endorsement because of it…just in case anyone hasn't heard yet.

I don't think he's saying it's meaningless in that it lacks meaning outright, but that the flag as a physical construct doesn't "mean" anything. It still has significant symbolic power (consider the Confederate flag being an issue because it "means" racism), and people assign meaning to it thusly. It's the same as,

Fair point. There's not necessarily an easy solution no matter what :s

Oh, zachary, I'm quite curious to hear why you've decided I don't know anything about politics…

Yup, and I respect them all. Problem is, I don't think that most do (understand the differences), and if the concern is awareness and acceptance, I think all would be better served if we talked about them as discrete groups, rather than lumping them into one.

I don't know much about Jewish demonology, that's true, only what I've learned from Elliott Kalan…

Fair points all; well said, sir or ma'am.

Or into David Prowse, creating The Empire Strikes Bakula!

I admit I was…less than tactical…in my initial comment. Stupid people come from everywhere :S

I borrowed it from Teen Wolf!!! (And Sunny…)

Well hopefully this gets to you, somehow, but you're proving my point…

Yup. I sure do. Funny how that works, right?

One. Two. Three. Four. Four syllables!