
And music has never forgotten your contribution.

This is maybe the stupidest article to have ever been posted on this site.

You're being generous. The author is clearly click-baiting and should be fucking ashamed of himself for it.

I suspect we'll get a lot (more) of white-washing think pieces regarding Dr. Strange (I know it's coming this year)…

I'll nominate "Man-eater" by Hall and Oates

I'm not…never heard of the lady in question prior to this. Trying to be objective about how history will remember Blind Melon though, and it won't be for more than an adorable girl in a bee costume. They probably know that better than I.

Totally true…I was just being pedantic, for what it's worth.

Yeah, I can see why you'd interpret it that way (and I hope you understand why I interpreted it the way I did; given another read, it makes more sense to view it your way)

Maybe if you were the original commenter you could have cleared that up with a couple of simple words. But you're not.

Okay, but that has nothing to do with her sexuality…

The fact you spoke that song by name gives it power!!!

Being bisexual or lesbian doesn't make a person an "ethnic minority."

So do Trump voters. Congratulations on being uninformed.

So you're giving an opinion on something you haven't seen?

I'm pretty sure that nail hasn't been hammered deeply enough into the coffin…do you have some reason it offended you? If so, can you contribute to the AV Club?

Hmm…good stories were told featuring 'minority'* characters, and audiences enjoyed them because they were good stories. Maybe (hopefully) we can all learn something from this…

Not until we're done with Suicide Squad. We haven't heard ALL the opinions yet.

My mistake in assuming Regal and Cinemark were under the same entity.

Well played, sir

Your first statement is what I'm getting at — I suspect the lawyers for the plaintiffs were hoping for an easy settlement based on the publicity around the case, and found they were in over their heads as it developed. I further suspect that once the firm knew they were in uncharted territory (for them), they were