
No, I actually think that people reporting "news" should actually know what they're reporting about.

Yes, if they're going to make assumptions about the story they're covering. Funny how internet commenters think news works…

Awesome, thanks for the link and the debate.

Never said it was the norm, just that it's more statistically likely to see a woman be decades younger than the man she's with than the opposite. Prove me wrong.

It evidently isn't if a super-genius like me had a misunderstanding about it.

Thank you for communicating a part of your personal story. It really helps surround your points in context, and I appreciate it. Know that I have your back, even if we disagree.

Whether or not the series is tied to another is available in the comics. Hence, my criticism of the author never bothering to read them.

And hot damn did he fail on that.

"assuming it's not overtly tied to either of them"

Isn't that a thing, though? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a statistical fact that there are more young women dating older men than vice-versa?

The author pretty clearly has some hate-on for the subjects of the article…

I appreciate what you're saying, I totally mean that. So now, I'll "argue" your points as you've laid them out.

Why is it a problem that a woman chooses to date an older man?

/Opposite of a fist-pump

Pretty much, yeah. Can I look forward to this much angry content?

Wow, this is the snarkiest article I've ever seen on this site, and that's saying a LOT.

It's easier for him to sleep at night that way.

I think that working big-to-small is the way we should be going about this. Let's solve problems that have a vastly disproportionate percentage of black men being incarcerated for minor drug crimes before we worry about the ethnicity of Green Lantern.

I'll direct you to my admittedly poorly executed comments in this same thread to point out that my concern is the emphasis placed on media somehow solving problems that run much deeper, and are literally life and death.

I think you're right, and I totally came off the dickish side of things. For that I apologize. I appreciate that you seem to have actually given my words some thought and understand where I'm coming from, even if said words were not the best.