
That's the spirit, now go do that instead of commenting on this review

You should bet your life savings on that

Start from the pilot and watch the entire series in order. That is the best way to do it.

The reviewer summed it up perfectly, If Ted had let her go earlier it would have completely ruined the ending of the show.

Ted NEVER let go of Robin, no matter what he said and did it's crystal clear that he didn't let her go

That's a funny way to spell Zoey

That was the only negative for a great episode imo

"I’ve been arguing since late last season that Ted’s hopeless dream of reuniting with Robin wasn’t a rehash of old material, wasn’t a sign of creative bankruptcy, wasn’t another waste of viewers’ precious time. He made the grand romantic gesture for Robin on the very first episode of the show, and he’s never stopped

One, tasty english muffin, baby that's what I am
One, tasty english muffin, with some raspberry jaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm

Carter Bays admitted on twitter that they made a mistake

Would it have killed the reviewer to cut out the minus after the A?

Now THAT was an episode of How I Met Your Mother. Good humor, interesting storyline, and great character moments. Great episode all around, can't wait for next week.

Future Ted will still be the one telling the story next week

Future Ted said "There are some exceptions to that rule"

Oh come on, this was better than a B-