Blake Jordan

That's the problem these days, when a guy says he is bisexual he gets labeled gay, when he says he does not want to be labeled (unsure of his feelings) he gets labeled gay, or if he is lucky bisexual.

Not that I want Kevin* to be involved in the (alleged) rape, but surely he must have some actual significance to the story…
And not just a random way to bring racism into the story about a crime that involves one gay, white guy drugging and sexually assaulting another "undefined", white guy.

Half way into the season, and I am still not sure what the real story behind the Taylor - Eric encounter is…

I don't think Eric is messed up about the encounter because he thinks (knows) he ended up raping Taylor.
I think he is messed up about it because of how "dark" Taylor took it during the encounter.
Maybe it was even Eric's first time, and now he is all screwed up about sex (which is why he only wanted to kiss his Grindr

Anyone else thinking that Taylor was molested (raped) when he was younger?
Unless I am ignorant / uninformed on the issue, it seems wrong that a sixteen year old is into be "rough f-ed"?
Even before the party, form the description of his mother, Taylor was introverted, had self-esteem issues, and so on, which would fit

From what they have shared of the email and texts, it seems Taylor wanted a "rough experience".
Why do some people seem to be assuming Eric was sober, and Taylor was drunk (possibly drugged), thus potentially still making Eric a bad guy?
Chances are Eric was also under the influence of alcohol (drunk-ish), so if Taylor

Was not a fan of Taylor's MRA moment, but I suppose it can be excused by the trauma during the party, and from the police investigation.

There are many great "individual" scenes that really let the acting and technical (eg cinematography) shine, but the overall story was such a disappointment.

I was thinking along the lines that Eric and Taylor were in the earlier stages of "getting it on", when they were interupted by a team mate.
Eric freaked out and said Taylor was forcing himself on Eric, and the team decided to get "retribution"…

I apologize if that is what my comment implied…

Hopefully she will get an Emmy nomination for London Spy this year…

I am also concerned that one of the "named" perpetrators of the assault has been revealed to be not straight…
Sexual attraction is far less of a motivator for male on male rape than it is for male on female rape; male on male rape is mostly about domination, humiliation, etcetera.

They can be…

I assume you are probably joking, but the writing is so laughable your suggestion is plausible!!!

Assuming IMDB is not wrong, Rick Cosnett is still supposed to be in 3/4 more episodes…

I am not that bothered by Boone being revealed as a fauxmosexual in a Scream Queens, he was psychotic murderer after all…

Who would of guessed that an openly gay show-runner (Safran) would be giving us some of the worst LGBT representation in recent tv history.

The Quantico premise had potential, it just did not have the correct show-runner, and team of writers to make it work.

I am so hopeful / excited for more Joey, hopefully not resulting in his death at some point.

Quantico as a whole is quite shit, but I am starting to wonder if Joshua Safran is friends with David Goyer…