
I thought the only doctor was laid up with aliens/mammoth spawn growing in her ;)

OMG!!! How did i not know that was him?!
He really just needs to play psychos ;)

Bob Little!!
He was a creep on Parenthood but man, this Boon character is all kinds of freaky.
Soooo good.

He was carrying a sports bag yeah?

I thought it was more what he was saying - he started talking about Cisco re-jigging something at the lab and she thought she had been caught out.
Hence the scared rabbit face.
Though it might have been the realisation that he is hotter in those glasses :)

So the blood was from the reindeers?
Reindeer on reindeer violence or still,birth maybe?
Can't think that a bear would've been able to attack them silently and leave nothing else behind.
So many questions!! :)

Charlie (that is his name right? The first victim?) was talking about the behaviour changes when he picked the "Apex Predator" guy up at the airport - i thought they mentioned cannibalism as one of the unusual traits.

Oh i know, i think that's made it so odd to watch - it really took me out of the story to be honest.
Looking forward to this weeks ep though.

Adams behaviour and reactions to the Lunchonette story where super suspicious to me. I know it's out of character but part of me was convinced he'd committed insurance fraud.

I thought he was cleansing his "Holy" rock from the beating it had given the cop.

Three pigeons on the red stop light - that's what I thought the basis for his betting was.
He made sure to bet on the table the pigeon had been on as well.
Why he thinks they are signs I don't know.